NameJacob Ulm 
Birthabt 1720
Death1778, , Berkeley Co., (W) VA
OccupationWeaver and farmer, seems reasonable, some evidence is the loom and hackle sold at his estate sale.
ReligionLutheran - Attended The Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Holland, Lancaster, PA.99,100
Misc. Notes
I put the church register sources under Jacob’s religion field rather then on each item below.
His wife Maria has a few different sources that are from her family’s religious affiliations.
It is the custom in the German language to add in or er to a female’s name to indicate gender. I have dropped the suffixes when adding the women to my family file as individuals. I’ve kept it where it is my intent to transcribe what I see. See individual children for a transcription of their baptismal record.
1745 - The earliest record I’ve been able to locate for Jacob is Balthasar’s baptism at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Earl Twp, Lancaster, PA. (Magadalena’s family were attending this church, as well.).
Here are 2 baptisms in which Jacob and Magdalena served as sponsors.
German Reformed [Now United Church of Christ]
From “Church Records: Selected Areas of PA, 1600s-1800s," Bröderbund Software.
1746 - Seltenreich Reformed Congregation St. Stephen’s [Zeltenreich’s], New Holland, Earl Twp., 1732 (1746-1800, 1866-1906)
Parents: Matthew Beshor and Apollonia, nee Lenger [see Huengerer]
Baby’s name: John Matthew b. ---, [baptized] December 21, [1746]
Sponsors: Jacob Ulm and Mary Magdalene Beshor
1751 Jacob and his wife served as sponsors for the Lang baby. This is Magdalena’s sister’s baby.
Parents: Lang, Christian, Anna Marg born Boesharin
Baby’s name: Joh. Jacob b. 7 yrs old, bapt. Mar. 12 1751
Sponsors: Jacob Ulm & Mar. Magdelena
-------------------- Examination of Events, Dates & Locations ----------------------
All records listed under ULM unless otherwise indicated. See individual
Balthassar ULLM 1745 - Baptized - Earl Twp, Lancaster Co., PA - Evangelical Lutheran Church register
Matthew Beshore 1746 (Nephew) Lancaster Co., PA - Seltenreich Reformed Register
Matthias 1747 - Location unknown - (in Earl Twp, Lancaster Co., PA ?)
Peter 1749 - Baptized - Earl Twp, Lancaster Co., PA - Evangelical Luthern Church register
Jacob 1750 - Tax List for Earl Twp. Lancaster Co., PA 1750 Tax records
Wendle 1751 - Location unknown - (WV? - I don’t think so.)
Julianna 1751 - Baptized - Earl Twp, Lancaster Co., PA - Evangelical Luthern Church register
John 1753 - Location unknown - (WV? I don’t think so.)
Magdalene 1754 - - Baptized - Jonestown, Lebanon Co., PA - Swatara Reformed Congregaton register
Daniel (Bapt) 1758 - Germantown, Philadelphia Co., PA - Germantown Reformed Church register (Now Market Square Presbyterian Church) , Born 22 Aug 1757
Shawn 1760 - Location Unknown - Philadelphia?, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia Co.?, like above)
Jacob UHLUM 1762 - Providence, Lancaster Co., (Naturalization’s Am. Colonies, Giuseppe)
He conscientiously declined to take an oath.
Jacob Jr. 1762 - Location Unknown - Philadelphia? or Lancaster?, PA
Hannah 1765 - ?
Peter 1770 - Marriage of Jacob's son, Peter Ulm (later Ullom) and Margaretha Smith
Jacob 1773 - Johannes Morf and wf. Maria Magthalena, sponsor Jacob Ulm, Reformed Ch. of Hagerstown, MD
Peter 1774 - Peter Ulm (later Ullom) and Margaretha's son Peter is baptized at Reformed Ch of Hagerstown, MD
Revolutionary War broke out or perhaps Jacob was ailing - he went to Martinsburg, Virginia Colony
Jacob WOOLAM 1776 - Will Established., 19 Apr 1776 Virginia, (later WV)
Jacob WOLLAM 1778 - Will filed for probate , 17 Nov 1778 Virginia, (later WV)
Jacob 1780 - 2 names on 1 line!!! Woolam acct sale..... The sale of Jacob Ulams ????? The Deceased
Discussion of Churches:
German Reformed [Now United Church of Christ]
1746 St. Stephen’s [Zeltenreich’s], New Holland, Earl Twp., 1732 (1746-1800, 1866-1906)
for Nephew Matthew Beshore baptismal.
1754 Swatara Reformed Congregaton, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., PA
1745 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran , New Holland [Earltown], Earl Twp., 1730 (1730 to 1922)
1751 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran , New Holland [Earltown], Earl Twp., 1730 (1730 to 1922)
Germantown Reformed Church, Germantown, Philadelphia Co., PA
Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland
Footnotes & miscellaneous:
I need to remember to search for Johann Jacob Ulm. It seems a likely name considering Balthassar’s first name and the Lang baby’s christening name. Another of my concerns about Jacob is that daughter Hannah was born after Jacob was 70. From the birth of the others it appears that the problem is with her not the rest of the family.
All of Maria Magdalena’s brothers and sisters remained in Lancaster or Lebanon PA except her brother Bernhardt Boshaar, who also lived in Berkeley WV. I haven't determined WHEN either family moved from Pensylvania to VA. I believe her brother Bernhardt signed as a witness on Jacob’s will as Bernard Beasor.
Misc. Notes
======== Penny Husler’s transcription of the estate papers of Jacob Ulm ========
Transcription note or What it it?
The source of these pages are the transcribed COURT estate records. I have tried my best to do an exact transcription. It was my intent to use the same upper/lower case letters and all original spelling. Sometimes the lack of punctuation is a real problem in deciphering the intent of some of these records. I do not wish to alter this record in any way. The records were handwritten into a large ledger kept by the court.
You may print or download a copy of the original court transcription from my web site at the following link:
<a href=";>Jacob’s Will</a>
In 1788 Virginia ratified the United States constitution to become a state. In 1863 Berkeley Co., Virginia became West Virginia. This is where the record books are located today.
My source was the microfilm from the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Wills, From the Title: Wills, 1772-1970, West Virginia. County Court (Berkeley County) (Main Author), Berkeley County (West Virginia). Clerk of the County Court (Added Author) Microfilm of original records at the Berkeley County courthouse. Includes indexes. Volumes 1-22 include inventories, appraisals, accounts, sales and appointments as well as wills., Specific film: Wills, v. 1-2 1772-1796 , FHL US/CAN Film 831169, Viewed: Year: 2000
----------------------------------------- Begin -----------------------------------------
page 150
Berkeley Co., West Virgina, Will Book #1, page 150 filed in the Colony of Virginia.: The will of Jacob Woolam,
In the name of God amen, I Jacob Woolam of Berkeley County in the Colony of Virginia WEAVER being weak in Body but of sound memory blessed be God do this thirteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and seventy eight make and establish this my last will and Testament in manner following that is to say, First I give all of my estate wherein I now live unto my dear wife Magdalene some of my children being along with her but if my children want to go and do for themselves then shall all the goods be sold and my good wife shall get her living out of it so long as she is a widow but if she marries another Husband she is to have the one third of all my estate and the remainder shall be equally divided amoung my Eleven children except my son Daniel shall have a colt and my son John one Colt and my youngest son Jacob Woolam shall have my gun but never the less to permit my three sons to have their equal shares of the two thirds of my estate as well as the rest of my eleven children namely Balser Woolam Matthais Woolam Peter Woolam Windle Woolam Daniel Woolam John Woolam Sham Woolam and Jacob Woolam and Julianna wife of Jacob Shillingond Magdalene wife of John Morsey and Hannah Woolam And also I make and ordain Michael Pitzer and George Lowman to be Executors in this my last Will and Testament In Witness I the said Jacob Woolam have to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written
Jacob X Woolam (LS)
Signed Sealed & delivered by the said Jacob Woolam as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of who was present at the signing and sealing thereof
John Barnard Frank Barnard X Peasor
[Transcription note: Barnard Peasor may be wife Magdalena’s brother Bernhardt “Barney” Böshaar/Bashore/Peasor b. 1728 Leacock, PA d. 1800 Berkeley Co., WV]
[Michael Bitzer/Pitzer is Maria Madgalena (Böshaar) Ulm’s Nephew in-law, husband of Sophia Böshaar]
Wollam Jacob Appointment of Executor
Woolam, Jacob Estate papers:
Appraisement - pages 181 & 182
Sale - pages 183 through 185
Final Estate Account Summary from page 427
You may print or download a transcription of the original court record from my web site at the following link:
<a href=";>Jacob’s Estate Settlement transcription</a>
------- Childrens ages at the time of Jacob's Estate Sale in 1778 ---------
Age estimate - Name and date of birth
33 - Johann "Balser" Ullm Ulm Woolam b: 24 NOV 1745
31 - Mathias Ulm b: 1747
29 - Peter Ulm Ullom b: 9 FEB 1749
27 - Maria "Julianna" Ulm b: 20 DEC 1751
26 - Wendel ( Windle ) Ulm Ulam b: 1752/3
24 - Maria "Magdalene" Ulm b: 28 AUG 1754
21 - Daniel Ulm Ulam b: 22 AUG 1757
20 - "John" Andreas Ulm Ullom b: 1758/9
18 - Shem Ulm Woolam b: 5 OCT 1760
17 - Jacob Ulm Ollum b: 1761
15 - Hannah Ulm b: ABT 1763
Birthabt 1724, Ulster Co., NY11
Deathaft 1778, , Berkeley Co., (W) VA11
Death, Berkeley Co., (W) VA101
Marriage1744, Lancaster Co., PA