NameWendel ( Windle ) Ulm/Ulam
Birth1752/3, , , PA
Death1822, , Stark Co., OH122
Death1846, , Stark Co., OH11
Misc. Notes
There is a listing for a Wendle Ulim in 1800 US Census for Pensylvania, Somerset Co., page 53
I cannot make sense of the children’s ages in this census record.
1800 PA Census: Brothers Valley Twp., Somerset Co., PA
Ulim Wendle: 22001 00110 00
Free white males under 10 years: 2
Free white males 10 - 15 years: 2
Free white males 45+ years: 1 [Our Wendle would have been age 49]
Free white females 16 - 25 years: 1
Free white females 26 - 44 years: 1 [Sophia]
Stark County is in the upper right corner of Ohio, next to Columbiana Co.
According to Norene Schilter: This one is not ours
The Wendel Ullum listed in 1850 as living in Randolph Twp., Portage Co., Ohio, came to this
county soon after 1830. His wife was named, Clarissa and they were both born in
Strasborg, France. They had seven children.
The Windle Ulm enlisted in Ohio on 18 May 1863 at the age of 19, rank of Priv in Battery A Co., 1st LA Reg. Oh Served Ohio, is the son of the former, Wendel and Clarissa Ullum. He was born abt 1845 in Ohio. ( In the 1980's when I was searching census' records I thought he could be Wendel's son, until I searched him and found he was born 1796, in France).
Thanks Norene. That will save the rest of us considerable research time.
I have a marrage record for Wendell OLM to Theresia Wise in Portage Co., OH, 8 Nov 1833.
Marriage1779, Martinsburg, VA
ChildrenJohn (1780->1850)