NameWilliam “Jackson” Ollom
Birth1823, Monroe Co., OH
Death19 Apr 1881, Toronto, Jefferson Co., OH115
Misc. Notes
I believe William Jackson Ollum was known as “Jackson”. 2 of 4 Census records and the record for his marriage to Catherine list him as “Jackson” and it doesn’t seem logical to have occured more than once in error. Jackson is not your usual first name.
Jackson married Rosanna Esdale in November of 1842. He was 19 years old.
From Meigs Co Marriage Books:
William Jackson Allom m. Rosanna Esdale 24 Nov.1842 p. 40
Robert Ollom was born before in April of 1849 but his mother Rosanna Esdale died in May of 1849. She is buried in Jackson Co, WV in Murraysville Cemetery as Ollum, Rosanna, wife of WJ Ollum 30 Oct 1823-31 May 1849.
The census was taken in Sept of 1850 but I have not been able to figure out where the baby Robert Ollom was during that Census.
1850 27th District Jackson Co., [West] Virginia. - Page 249
Ollom, Jackson, 28, is living with Pernall Hoselton, probably his Brother in law. The name is indexed as Hutteton. It is noted that he cannot read or write. Hoselton is a Tailor.
872, 179, Purnell Hutteton, 28, Tailor, Ohio
Marah, 18, OHio
Rinaldo, 2, VA
Francis, 2 or 7/12, VA
Jackson Ollom, 28, Ohio
Jackson married Catherine in Jackson Co., WV on the 6th November1850.
I’ve decided to add Laura at face value. Her marriage to Chamberlain lists her as Ollum so I believe she is the daughter of Jackson and Catherine.
I believe it is likely that Mary Ann Caldwell is also Mary Ann Leonard and was married previously to a Mr. Leonard. Which would mean the children beginning with Isaac are hers. I have seen where Sarah J. is listed as “Learned” in the 1870 Census. I therefore attribute Sarah J. to an early marriage.
It looks like Jackson and Mary stayed in (W) Virginia at least through 1858 according to the children’s birthplaces. In the Census of 1860 Catherine had passed away and a new wife, Mary Caldwell , is living with Jackson. They are sourrounded by Stewarts/Stuarts, possibly Catherine’s family. Robert is 13 years old in the census of 1860 but we still do not know where he was in 1850 as a young child.
1860 Murraysville P.O., Jackson Co, WV #1170-1106, page 614
OLLOM, W. J 36 OH , Carpenter
Mary A 25 OH [Mary Caldwell previously Leonard]
Robert 13 OH [Robert was actually born in Murraysville, (W)VA according to his Death Cert]
Laura 9 VA
Sarah J 6 VA
Isaac L 2 VA
The Civil War.
Jackson and 2 cousins inlisted in the Union Army in August of 1862. They served in the in the 116th Regiment. I listed below the amazing list of battles in which the Regiment served.
Jackson’s son, Robert, also served but in a different regiment.
Enlisted at the age of 15, lying about his age.
William J Ollom from Ohio
Enlisted on 15th of August 1862 at the age ot 39 as a Private for the Union in the Ohio 116th Infantry Regiment.
Peter (son of John and Susannah) Ollom
Enlisted on 12th of August 1862 at the age ot 18 as a Private for the Union in the Ohio 116th Infantry Regiment.
Adam H (son of Joseph and Peggy) Ollom
Enlisted on 18th of August 1862 at the age ot 30 as a Private for the Union in the Ohio 116th Infantry Regiment.
Here is the Regimental History of the Battles Fought.
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 11 August 1862
Battle at Near Mooresfield, Virginia on 28 December 1862
Battle at Moorefield, Virginia on 03 January 1863
Battle at Romney, West Virginia on 16 February 1863
Battle on 03 June 1863
Battle at Piedmont, Virginia on 05 June 1863
Battle at Bunker Hill, Virginia on 13 June 1863
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 13 June 1863
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 14 June 1863
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 15 June 1863
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 16 June 1863
Battle at Lynchburg, Virginia on 17 June 1863
Battle at Duffield's Station, Virginia on 25 November 1863
Battle at Piedmont, Virginia on 05 June 1864
Battle at Staunton, Virginia on 10 June 1864
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 10 June 1864
Battle at Near Lynchburg, Virginia on 15 June 1864
Battle at Lynchburg, Virginia on 18 June 1864
Battle at Gauley Ford, Virginia on 27 June 1864
Battle at Snicker's Ferry, Virginia on 18 July 1864
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 24 July 1864
Battle at Winchester, Virginia on 25 July 1864
Battle at Halltown, Virginia on 26 August 1864
Battle at Berryville, Virginia on 03 September 1864
Battle at Opequan, Virginia on 19 September 1864
Battle at Fisher's Hill, Virginia on 22 September 1864
Battle at Cedar Creek, Virginia on 13 October 1864
Battle at Cedar Creek, Virginia on 14 October 1864
Battle at Cedar Creek, Virginia on 15 October 1864
Battle at Cedar Creek, Virginia on 19 October 1864
Battle at Chapin's Farm, Virginia on 10 February 1865
Battle at Hatcher's Run, Virginia on 31 March 1865
Battle at Petersburg, Virginia on 31 March 1865
Battle at Petersburg, Virginia on 01 April 1865
Battle at Fort Gregg, Virginia on 02 April 1865
Battle at High Bridge, Virginia on 06 April 1865
Battle at Appomattox, Virginia on 07 April 1865
[Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse.
General Lee's troops were soon surrounded, and on April 7, Grant called upon Lee to surrender.]
Battle at Appomattox Court House, Virginia on 08 April 1865
Battle at Appomattox Court House, Virginia on 09 April 1865
[On April 9, the two commanders met at Appomattox Courthouse, and agreed on the
terms of surrender. Lee's men were sent home on parole -- soldiers with their horses, and officers with their side arms. All other equipment was surrendered. ]
1870 U.S. Census: Salisbury Twp., Meigs Co., OH, # 299-345
William Ollum 47 OH drayman
Mary 35 OH
Sarah LEARNED 16 OH works woolen mill
Gardner Ollum 11 VA school
William 9 VA
Frederick 3 OH
In the 1870 Census:
2 children born in Virginia: Gardner Ollum age 11 (not listed in the 1860 census), William & Frederick Ollom born in Ohio
Caldwell Mary Ann 1834-1876 w/o WJ Ollom buried in Middleport.
According to the “Court and probate records,Administraotrs' bonds and letters, v. 3 page 332”
In September 1877 William posted a bond and Letters were drawn up so that he could serve as Administrator of Nancy A. Ollom’s Estate. I have simply assumed that due to the date this is Mary Ann (Caldwell) Ollom.
William applied for his Civil War pension in 10 Nov 1877 for disibility
1880 Ohio, Jefferson Co., Knox Twp. Page 323C
Ollom W Jackson 56 OH PA PA (missed work in the last year, due to) “General Debility”
Hannah 55 OH NY NJ
A William 18 WV OH OH (hard to read but could be, works “on river”)
D Rodney 7 OH OH OH
Myers M Jennie 22 OH OH OH step daughter - House work
Myers R Hannah 16 OH OH OH step daughter
Hannah Ollom applied for a widow’s pension based on Jackson’s Civil War service in 3 Sep 1890
Birth30 Oct 1823, OH
Death31 May 1849, Murraysville, Jackson Co., WV
BurialJun 1849, Murraysville, Jackson Co., WV
Marriage24 Nov 1842, Meigs Co., OH193,14
Birthabt 1825, (W) VA?
Deathbef 1860, Jackson Co., (W) VA
Marriage6 Nov 1850, Jackson Co., WV194
BirthAug 1834, Orange Twp, Meigs Co., OH
Death16 Aug 1876, Middleport, Meigs Co., OH
Burial18 Aug 1876, Middleport, Meigs Co., OH
Religionmember of the Christian Church ever since she was 13 yrs
Marriage15 Oct 1857, , Meigs Co., OH14
Birth1825, OH
Death19 Jul 1911, Knox Twp., Jefferson Co., OH191
BurialJul 1911, Jefferson Co., OH191
Marriage4 Jul 1878, Jefferson Co., OH74