NameCatherine J. Stewart
Birthabt 1825, (W) VA?
Deathbef 1860, Jackson Co., (W) VA
Misc. Notes
William Jackson is living next to George W Stewart and Lucinda in the 1860 Census.
1850 Jackson Co., [West] Virginia.
Ollom, Jackson 28 living with Hutteton or Hulleton or Hyttelon, cannot read or write. Huttleton is a Tailor or Sailor.
The census was taken in Sept of 1850. Jackson was married to Catherine
in Nov of that year. Robert is 13 years old in the next census. Find Catherine and see if Robert is already born.
In the Census of 1860 Catherine is gone and a new wife Mary is living with Jackson. They are sourrounded by Stuarts, probably Catherine’s family. One is George W STEWART , who married Lucinda Hall (bc 1833).
1860 Murraysville P.O., Jackson Co, WV #1170-1106, page 614 sourrounded
by Stuarts, probably Catherine’s family.
OLLAM, W. J 36 OH , Carpenter
Mary A 25 OH [Mary Caldwell]
Robert 13 OH [Error - Robert was actually born in
Murraysville, (W)VA]
Laura 9 VA
Sarah J 6 VA
Isaac L 2 VA
Stuarts in Murraysville, Jackson Co. WV in the 1860 Census:
Stuart, George Page 614
Stuart, H. L.
Stuart, H. L., Jr.
Stuart, Jacob
Stuart, T. C. Page 616
Stuart, William E. Page 615
Birth1823, Monroe Co., OH
Death19 Apr 1881, Toronto, Jefferson Co., OH115
Marriage6 Nov 1850, Jackson Co., WV194