NameHamilton Caldwell
Birth29 Jun 1804, , , PA9
Death12 May 1839, , Meigs Co., OH9
Misc. Notes
See his father’s notes.
Every name index to the 'Pioneer History of Meigs County' Edgar Ervin, ed. 1949
Caldwell, Hamilton B. 244
1884 Meigs Telegraph
By virtue of a write of vend, exs. to me directed from the court of
common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of George
VANPELT in the township of Orange on the 9th day of April next, at 2
o'clock of said day, one gray mare. Levied upon as the property of said VANPELT
at the suit of Sophronia CALDWELL, administrator of the estate of Hamilton
CALDWELL, deceased.
Tho's SMITH s.m.c. [Sheriff of Meigs County]
Marriage29 Jul 1830, , Meigs Co., OH9