NameJulia H. W. (Shaphoff) 
Birth5 Nov 1829, Denmark
Death20 Dec 1914, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY87
Burial23 Dec 1914, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY
OccupationKeeps house
Misc. Notes
Julia is 70 years old in 1900 and is emumerated with her son-in-law William Vollers. Thay are living at 297 Arlington Ave. Brooklyn, NY. Her marital status is widow! She had given birth to 8 children and 7 were living, The younger daughter Theresa, unmarried at age 37 is boarding with other families.
1903 City Directory
Shaphoff, Julia, Wid H’y B. h 366 48th
Photo of Julia H. (Henrietta?) Shaphoff taken at 151 52nd St., Brooklyn, NY.
This photo was taken before her Grandaughter’s death in 1908 because it was one of the photographs left with Ruth and Pearl Ollom at the orphanage.
Julia is listed as a widow in 1916 and would be 86 years old.
1916 Shaphoff Julia - Julia wid Hy, 360 54th -
State of New York
Department of Health of the City of New York
Bureau of Records
Standard Certificate of Death
Burough of Brooklyn Registed No. 23443
Julia died at 360 54th, according to her death certificate.
It was a 3 apartment house tenement.
She is listed as Julia H. W. Shaphoff.
Date of Birth: Nov 5, 1829
She was 85 years 1 month 15 days old.
Her occupation was: Housework
She and her parents were born in Denmark and she had been in this country for 70 years.
That indicates she arrived when she was about 15 years old in 1845.
According to the 1900 census, she said, she arrived a few years later, in 1849.
She was treated by the doctor from March 15 to December 20th of 1914.
Cause of death: (It should probably just say, she was old and her heart gave out!)
Myocarditis, Cardiac Degeneration, Cardiac Dilation, General Anemia, Pulmonary Edema
Undertaker was Tuney & Sons at 1857 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY
BirthFeb 1828, , , NY83,84
Death15 Mar 1902, , Bronx, NY85
Burial17 Mar 1902, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY
OccupationShip Caulker