NameCharles Mc Clain III
305, 2C4R, C450, 3510, M
Birth18 Aug 1833, Brown Township, Ripley Co, In, US
Death17 Jul 1909, Clio, Wayne Co, Ia, US Age: 75
Burial19 Jul 1909, Grand River Twp., Decatur Co., Iowa
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
! Marr #2 located in Marr Register Book 1 Marr #37 dated 23 Jan 1884
Wayne County, Iowa Charles age 50 yrs Eliza Calvert Holder age 34 Yrs
Charles is buried in Row 5, Stone 8, in the Fairview - Clio Cem. .
Died fron desease of the liver and spleen and probaley cancerous.
Obituary for
Charles Mc Clain
Charles Mc Clain was born in Ohio Co., Indiana, August 18, 1833, Died at his home near Clio J uly 17, 1909, aged 76 years 10 months 30 days.
He came to Iowa in 1853 and since that time has made Iowa his home.
He was married to Martha E. Harris, January 1, 1858. To this union was born 9 children: Emil y Greeley, John, William, Sarah F. Sipes, Varnice Herbert, Albert, Cora Cannon, Oscar and Ral ph. His wife died in the spring of 1879. He was then united in marriage to Eliza Holder, i n january 1883. To this union was born 4 children: George, Edd, Carl and Ira who died infanc y.
He leaves a wife, eleven children, 26 grandchildren, 1 brother and a host of other reliative s and friends to mourn their loss.
He was baptized about 41 years ago by what wsas then known Campbellite preacher. The funera l was held Monday afternoon at his late residece. Intermate at the Clio Cemetary, Rev. F. T . Stevenson officiating.
Fairview - Clio Cemetery, Row 5 Stone 8 ( Older Part ).
Marriage7 Dec 1858, Louisa Co, Ia, US
ChildrenEmily , 3515, F (1859-1921)