NameElizabeth Woodhouse(?)
63, 8G Grandmother, W320, 1465, F
Birthbef 1654
FlagsLived in US, Look in VA
Misc. Notes
Elizabeth Browne. Elizabeth (Woodhouse?) Meriwether probably had another child after she married Lt. Col. Wm. Browne, Sr. Henry Hartwell's 1699 will also included a bequest "To Elizabeth Browne, daughter to Coll. William Browne and niece to my late wife [Jane]É" [P2-not verified]. [Note: based on what we know, the stated relationships seem in conflict, i.e., only a child of NiI and Elizabeth would be a niece as we use the term today. In an earlier day, the term may have meant "granddaughter" or a more distant descendant, in this case a half-sister to her Meriwether nephews and nieces. Alternatively in a completely possible relationship, Monte Monroe suggests that Elizabeth Meriwether Browne could be Elizabeth, nee White, a sister to William White, Aunt Jane's first husband. [Think about it!] Corroborating evidence for this event is needed, but assuming Elizabeth Browne was born within a year after her mother, Elizabeth, married, or in 1681, she would have been age 18 when she received her legacy in 1699 [P5]. Obviously she was reared with her maturing Meriwether siblings in a Browne household, lovingly remembered by Aunt Jane (Meriwether) White Hartwell.