NameElizabeth Meriwether
, 8G Aunt, M636, 2269, F
Birthbef 1667
Deathaft 21 Apr 1695 Age: 28
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Nicholas II's sister Elizabeth married Francis Clements.
Elizabeth was the oldest child. An early Surry Co. court record proves that Fra. Clements married Elizabeth Clough, Exrx. of Mr. Jno Clough, between 4 Sep 1683, when Clough was known to be alive, and 5 Jan 1685/6 (Haun IV, pp.43 & 44) [P2]. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we have to assume this is the same Elizabeth, nee Meriwether, identified in 1695, above--a counter-indicator, but a reasonable position [P5].