NameFrancis Meriwether II
, 8G Uncle, M636, 2279, M
Birthbef 6 Feb 1670
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Francis II. He was at least age 16 when he first appeared on a Surry Co. tithable list with his stepfather, Lt. Col. Wm. Browne, Sr., on 9 Jun 1688, or born before 10 Jun
1672 (VA Gen 23-24). He was not further recorded on Surry Co. tithable lists indicating he may have been elsewhere, perhaps away to school. He must have studied well
as less than three years later he was recorded as the county clerk of [Old] Rappahannock (Essex) Co. at the court held on 5 Feb 1691/2 (Sparacio, p.93). He must have
been at least age 21, or born before 6 Feb 1670/1 (The Source). It seems reasonable to accept his birth year as ca. 1670 [P4].