NameThomas Meriwether
, 8G Uncle, M636, 2268, M
Birthabt 1677
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
New research now provides direct evidence proving the relationships of the two Nicholas's (Hopkins, Surry County Deeds 1684-1733, p. 81). On 16 Jun 1711, William Meriwether, a son of Nicholas II [NHM, p. 67], sold 1280 acres in two tracts on "Blackwater at Cypress Swamp and Pidgeon Swamp." That is further described as "land granted on 14 May 1666 and 25 Apr 1667 to Nicholas Meriwether, Gent., late of Surry County who was the grandfather of the said William Meriwether [underlining added]." This land came to William Meriwether by the will of Thomas Meriwether of Essex County, 7 Jan 1708/9 [NHM, p.45], his uncle. Now we can cite a primary source, i.e., a deed (Surry Co. Deeds, Wills, Etc., No. 6, 1709-1715, p.65) created at or near the time of the event, as direct evidence proving the relationship. Great! We no longer need depend on the preponderance of evidence standard. Thomas's will and available Virginia land patents (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vols. II & III [C & P]) now act to corroborate that conclusion.
Thomas. Thomas never appeared in the Surry Co. tithable lists suggesting he was living elsewhere, possibly with NiII or Francis II when he became age 16 [P2]. He did leave a record in Surry. On 7 Jan 1695/6 Thomas Meriwether "orphan of Mr. Nichol. Meriwether, deced..." made a choice of Mr. Wm. Drummond as his guardian. Mr. Edwards appeared in court as security for Mr. Drummond "due ye payment of the estate of Tho. Meriwether when he comes of age É" (Haun V, p.69) [P2]. Thomas had to be at least age 14 to select his own guardian and less than 21 to need one, or born in the period 1676-1682 (The Source) [P2]. Since his father died in Dec 1678, the period of his birth is further limited.