Penny’s Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameCatherine Anderson 
Birthabt 1779, Frederick Co., VA
Birthabt 1779, Berkeley Co., (W) VA
Death29 Jan 1843, , Ross Co., OH
Burial1843, Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH
Misc. Notes
Catherine's maiden name is provided in a biography on her son, James W. Gasaway, in the History of Logan county 1886 version.
If nine children were born to this couple then one may be Catherine Gassaway Wescott who is found living with James W. in the 1860 Census and John W. in 1870. They are peers according to age. She was born abt 1812 in Ohio. The following marriage record is from Ross County:
Gasaway, Catharne m. Wescot, John, Dec 23, 1841
Mary Ann Gasaway Radtke contributed a photo of her tombstone to the Virtual cemetery: Inscription: In Memory of Catharine wife of John Gasaway Sr (?) who died Jan. 29,1843 Aged 64 years 2 months & 21 days
Birth13 Aug 1781, , Berkeley Co., (W) VA
Birthabt 1779/80, Berkeley or Frederick Co., VA
Birthabt 1780, Berkeley Co., (W) VA
Death17 Jun 1857, Illinois
BurialJun 1857, Lake Bank Cem., Latham, Logan Co., IL
Marriagebef 1812, Frederick Co., (W) VA?