NameThomas 2 Gassaway Jr. 
Birth1754, Queen Caroline Parish, Anne Arundel Co., MD
Death15 Feb 1835, Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH
BurialFeb 1835, Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH
Misc. Notes
Genealogical History of the Gassaway Family by the Rutherfords, See sources.
Thomas Gasaway migrated from Maryland to the undeveloped land in the Carolinas with several of his kinsman and a large number of Marylanders in the middle of the 1770's. He was drafted into military service in 1776 in Rowan County, North Carolina and seved under Capt. Branan in a regiment commanded by Col. Griffith Rutherford. He then settled in Berkeley County, Virginia and in 1780 he was drafted at Head Spring and served in a Light Horse Troop under Maj. Richard Wilis and Capt. Robert Throgmorton. Following the Act of 1832 Thomas Gassaway applied for a pension from Ross County, Ohio. Several depositions were filed to prove his claims. Andrew Kelley stated they served togetherin the same company during 1780 in Frederick County, Virginia. William Kelley also certified the he served in the same company and that Thomas married Jane Kelley, his sister, during the war in Berkeley County, Virginia.
Thomas was listed on the Berkeley County, Virginia tax list, 1783-1786, and on the Jefferson County, Virginia, tax list, 1804-1810. A general migration of the Gassaway and Kelley families to Ross County, Ohio took place about this time and Thomas Gassaway was emumerated at the home of his son Thomas on the 1810 Census and in the household of his son Nicholas on the 1820 Census.
I don’t have these census pages for 1820 and 1810-
In 1852 Thomas Gassaway [Jr.] , aged 58, of Ross County, Ohio, stated that his father Thomas Gassaway died 15 Feb 1835 and that his mother Jane Gassaway died 16 Feb 1842, aged 80 years.
The names of the children of Thomas Gasaway and his wife Jane Kelley were contributed in a letter written by Roy W. Burns, a great-great grandson of Thomas Gassaway, dated 7 March 1973. Mr. Burns was then in his 82nd year of his age. Thomas Gasaway, Revolutionary War Soldier, also listed the names of his children in his application for pension.
Revolutionary Pension Claim R3959, General Administration Services, Washington, DC
Thomas Gassaway was named as a son of Thomas Gassaway in a deposition made by the latter in 1810. the father was then aged eighty-six and was living in Virginia.
Thomas Gassaway of Ross County, Ohio, applied for a Revolutionary War pension under the Act of 1832. In his application he stated he was born in 1754 near Baltimore, Maryland and that he married Jane Kelley, a sister of William Kelley. About 1811 he moved with his family and settled in Ross County, Ohio.
Gassaway's son, Thomas Gassaway, aged fifty-eight in 1852, deposed in Ross County, Ohio that his father, Thomas Gassaway, died 15 February 1835, and that his mother, Jane Gassaway, died 16 February 1842, aged eighty.
This family was listed on the Berkeley County, Virginia tax list 1783-1786; and the Jefferson County, Virginia tax list 1804-1810. Thomas Gassaway was enumerated on the Ross County, Ohio census for 1810 in the household of his son Thomas and on the 1820 Census in the household of his son Nicholas.
Thomas Gassaway, Revolutionary War soldier, named his children in his pension application and there names are also on file in the NSDAR application of June (Burns) Bove
Listed in the Biographical Record of Logan County, published in 1901 Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., Page 593. Under grandson's Bio JOHN McDONALD GASAWAY
Gassaway,Thomas, NC, SURRY CO., 1772
Thomas and Jane are buried in Schooley Cemetery. It has been described as near Chillicothe. OH. I dissagree. I is at least a township away.
Schooley cemetery is located east of the intersection of Lancaster Road and Schooley Station Road in Liberty Township, Ross County, Ohio. I located it on the internet by entering the intersection above and indicating the city as Chillicothe.
Misc. Notes
Transcription of Pension File information:
March 1834
On this 18th day of March personally appeared in open court before the Court of Common Pleas now ?????? Thomas Gazaway a Resident of Ross County Ohio aged seventy nine years who being duly cautioned & sworn according to the law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he was born in the state of Maryland near Baltimore in 1754 removed to Rowan County North Carolina where in 1776 he was drafted into the militia under Captaon Branan & Colonel Rutherford served under this draught 2 months & a half after this removed to Berkeley County Virginia. I was draughted into a light Horse company under Major Rich Willis Captain Robert Throchmorton & Lieut Albein? Throchmorton^ served about 2 months and a half. This service was I think in 1780 - In 1777 I enlisted under Capt George Rice and Lieut Abram Linsey & served for nine months making in all 14 months service. I never was in a battle. I have no documentary evidence of my service having lost both my discharges one from Capt. Bill and the other from Major Rich Willis and I know of no one living except Andrew Kelly who can testify to my services as a soldier of the Revolution. My memory is very is very much impaired by age infirmities. I can however recollect serving Gen Morgan & Gen Dark. I have resided in Ross County Ohio ever since I left Berkeley County Va ???? about 23 years last past.
When and in what year were you born[?]
I was born near Baltimore in Maryland in 1754. Have you any record of your age [?] I have no reccord of my age.
Where were you living when called into service[?] Where have you lived since the Revolutionary War[?] and Where do you now live[?] I lived Rowan [?need to double check this?] South Carolina when ???????? the service. I lived in Burkley County VA after the War & I now live in Ross County Ohio.
How were you called into the service[?] were you draughted [?] did you volunteer[?] or were you a substitute[?]
I was first draughted then I volunteered^then I was draughted again in 1780. I never was a substitute for anyone.
State the names of some of the officers who were with the troops where you served such continental military units as you can recollect and the general circomstances of your service.
As before stated my memory is much impaired by age & infirmity. I never was in any battles. I can recollect serving Gen Morgan & Gen Dark & (this section is a guess: I served as before stated) in my declaration. Did you ever recieve a discharge and what has become of it[?] I recieved two discharges, one from Capt Rice and one from Major Rich Willis but they were both lost many years ago not having been thought of much value.
State some person to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify as to your character for veracity and their believe of your services as a soldire of the Revolution. Andrew Kelly and Thomas Gazaway Jr & Pleasant Thurman are well acquainted with me and state as to what they know and believe of my services in the Revolution [the print next is tinier and appears to have been inserted] he hereby relinquishes corey clain whatever the pension or annunity except the pension & declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any of any [sic] state. [signed] Thomas his X mark Gazaway
Andrew Kelly after being duly sworn as the law direct in the matter of Thomas Gazaway, for a pension deposes & says that He is well acquainted with said Gazaway that He knows of his own persona Knowledge tht said Gazaway draughted as a soldier in the Revolutionary Army in 1780 in a light horse company under Major Rich Willis & Capt. Robert Throgmorton. & Lieut Albrn Throgmorton & that said Gazaway served in said Company as a soldier of the Revolution for two months & about a half and further he says not (signed) Andrew Kelly
[the page ends here and I find no continuation in the copies I recieved from NARA]
Thomas Gazaway makes his amendatory declaration to his oiginal declaration of 18th of March AD 1834 moth before the Court of Common Pleas of Ross County Ohio to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of June 7th 1832 Says that after his draught in 1776 into the militia under Capt Branan & Col Rutherford the company marched from Salisbury to Cross Creek near which a Battle was expected to be fought & had been (?fought before?) the company arrived. The company then returned to Salisbury ???stery on our return for tours we were then discharged after having served two months & a half month in this tour - This deponent further states that in 1777 he enlisted under Capt George Reid & Lieutenant Abram Linsey in Friederick county Va & after waiting some time to gather forces we marched to Martinsberg and remained there two months, we then marched to Hagerstown[?] Maryland stayed there two or three weeks & then returned to Martinsburg and remained there four week & was then discharged making in all about the time mentioned in my original declaration- This deponent further states that in 1780 he was draughted unto a light horse company at Head Spring Berkley County Va under Major Rich Willisw & Cap Robert Trockmorton [looks like "Trocjmorton"] & Leiut Alben Throjmorton. we then marched to Battle town remained there some time & was didcharged then after a tour of two months & a half.- this deponent further states that in the three towns above spoken of he served in each case as a private only in each case & in no other capacity & that he never servid in any or tither of the said towns as a substitute for any person whatever. this deponent further states that each of the above tours are performed with embodied corps called into service by competent authority & that during the the proofs? of service above spoken of the deponent was not ?????? or engaged in any civil persuit & further states not. his
Thomas X Gasway
State of Ohio}
Ross County }
personally appeared befor my the subscriber and acting? justice of the peace in & for the county aforesaid Thomas Gazzaway who has subscribed the foregoing amendatory destaration? & after being duly sworn according to Law deposes & says that the forgoing declaratin contains the truthe to the best of his knowledge & belief given uner my name this 4th day of November AD 1834. [signed] James Miller J. P.
We Pleasant Thurman a clergyman & Thomas Gazaway Jr. & Andrew Kelly residing in the County of Ross & the State of Ohio hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Thomas Gazaway who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be ?TGzrars? of age that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and we concur in that opinion.
Pleasant Thurman
Andrew Kelly
Thomas X Gazaway Jr.
[Following is an additional statement regarding the uprightness of the above 3 citizens of the county is made by the clerk of the court. I'm not transcribing that.]
December 1852
State of Ohio, Ross County s.s.
William Kelley (aged 80 years) of the counto of Ross and state of Ohio makes oathe and says that he was well acquanted with Thomas Gasaway of to the state of Virginia and knows that said Thomas Gasaway served one tour in the Revolutionary War in the state of Virginia as a soldier in said war-
Said Thomas Gasaway was Married to Jane Kelley (my sister) in the time of the Revolutionary war in the state of Virginia Berkeley County. Said Thomas Gasaway Resided in the state of Virginia untill in the year AD 1811. He moved to the state of Ohio in the year 1811 in the County of Ross and lived in said Ross County until he died which was in the year AD 1835 aged about 81 years. Jane Gasaway his wife Died in the month of February AD 1842 at the County of Ross aged about 80 years.
The following are the names of the Children of the said Thomas Gasaway and Jane Gasaway: John Gasaway, Mary Gasaway, William Gasaway, Thomas Gasaway, Nicholas Gasaway, Martha Gasaway and Andrew Gasaway.
[signed] William Kelly
Sworn to and subscribed Before me this 8th Day of December 1852 at the County aforesaid.
William Day J.P.
State of Ohio, Ross County s.s.
Andrew Kelley (aged 88 years - of the counto of Ross and state of Ohio makes oath, and says. that he was well acquanted with Thomas Gasaway and knows that said Thomas Gasaway served one tour in the Revolutionary War in the state of Virginia as a soldier in said war-
Said Gasaway was Married to Jane Kelley (my sister) in the time of said Revolutionary war. state of Virginia Berkeley County. Said Gasaway Resided in the state of Virginia untill in the year AD 1811. he then moved to the state of Ohio in the year 1811 in the County of Ross and lived in said Ross County until he died in the year 1835 at the County of Ross State of Ohio aged about 81 years. Jane Gasaway his wife Died in the month of February AD 1842 at the County of Ross aged about 80 years.
The following are the names of the Children of the said Thomas Gasaway and Jane Gasaway: John Gasaway, Mary Gasaway, William Gasaway, Thomas Gasaway, Nicholas Gasaway, Martha Gasaway and Andrew Gasaway.
[signed] Andrew Kelly
Sworn to and subscribed before me at the County aforesaid this 8th Day of December 1852
William Day J.P.
End Transcription of Pension Files
Birth1762, Virginia
Death16 Feb 1842, , Ross Co., OH
Marriage1779, Berkeley Co., (W) VA