NameJames Edward Thompson
3, GGG Grandfather, T512, 1216, M
Birth25 Feb 1805, KY, US3,44
MemoBarney says: Prince Edward Co, VA, US
FlagsLived in US, Look in KY
Census 18301830, Cadiz, Trigg Co, KY US40 Age: 24
MemoPage 9, Line11
Census 18503 Aug 1850, Trigg Co, KY, US44 Age: 45
MemoRoll 219, Page 292b, Line 41
Census 186030 Jul 1860, Trigg co, KY, US26 Age: 55
MemoRoll 397, Page 189, Line 9
Census 1880Jun 1880, Cadiz, Trigg Co, KY US Age: 75
MemoPage 283c
Misc. Notes
The Thompson Book:
James Edward was the last of James Thompson's children to be born in Prince Edward County, Virginia. Each of his marriages was solemnized in Trigg County, where his children were born. Jane Hill was James' first cousin; she and Elizabeth Ann Burbridge are buried with their husband in East End Cemetery, Cadiz. James began his political career while quite young. In 1824 he was appointed deputy clerk of Trigg County, a position which he held until 1838, when he began a twelve-year period as clerk of the Trigg County court. James lost the clerkship in the first election for county offices mandated by the 1850 Kentucky constitution, according to the following account of the election which appeared in the Kentucky Telephone, September 11, 1882:
[In 1851] Henry C. Burnett and James E. Thompson were the candidates for Circuit clerk. This was Henry Burnett's first appearance before the people in the capacity of a candidate for office, and as Mr. Thompson was regarded as one of the finest clerks in the State, it was thought by many that it was impossible to defeat him. Burnett was elected, and before the expiration of his office, resigned the position and was elected to Congress from this district.
In the next county election, James captured the office of circuit court judge. In some contemporary sources he is referred to as "Judge Ed Thompson." He also represented Trigg County in the Kentucky House of Representatives in 1832. In 1861, as the candidate of the Constitutional Union Party, he lost a bid to the same legislative body. James' occupation on the 1870 Trigg County census was "U.S. Assessor." In 1880 he was living on the farm of his son-in- law George Smith Wharton. Two of James' sons did not marry. Thomas C. Thompson fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War; he is buried in East End Cemetery. Walter S. Thompson managed the Wharton farm until sometime after his father's death, when he moved to Texas. According to Cyrus Thompson, Walter died at the home of James Edward Thompson, Jr., who was a merchant in Kenney, Texas. Walter is buried in Oak Knoll Cemetery, Bellville, Texas.
1830 Census Trigg co.
Cadiz James E. Thompson 100100000000-0000101000000-000000-110000
1880 Census Place: Cadiz, Trigg, Kentucky
Source: FHL Film 1254443 National Archives Film T9-0443 Page 283C
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
Geo. S. WHARTON Self M M W 52 KY
Occ: Farmer Fa: VA Mo: VA
Sarah WHARTON Wife F M W 31 KY
Occ: Keep House Fa: KY Mo: KY
John WHARTON Son M S W 11 KY
Occ: At School Fa: KY Mo: KY
Willie WHARTON Son M S W 7 KY
Occ: At School Fa: KY Mo: KY
Bettie WHARTON Dau F S W 4 KY
Occ: At Home Fa: KY Mo: KY
Fa: KY Mo: KY
Walter THOMPSON BroL M S W 34 KY
Occ: Managing Farm Fa: KY Mo: KY
J. E. THOMPSON FatherL M W W 75 KY
Fa: KY Mo: KY
Fanny WHARTON Other F B 24 KY
Occ: Cooks Fa: KY Mo: KY
Amanda WHARTON Dau F S B 1 KY
Fa: KY Mo: KY
Marriage30 Oct 1829, Trigg Co, KY, US3
ChildrenZebulon , 1292, M (1830-1863)
Marriage6 Mar 1844, Trigg Co, KY, US3
Sarah , 3959, F (1849-1893)
Marriage6 Jan 1867, Trigg Co, KY, US3