NameAnna “Christina” Maurer
Birthest 1670, Hornbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany4
Misc. Notes
Her first husband, Jacob Böshaar, was dead before 1719 when she married Wilhelm Bolk (Source 53)
I have also seen her birthplace given as: Hoog-Duytsland which was used in the original New York Church records and means Germany in Dutch. The Palatines attended Dutch churches in New York where the ministers were from Holland.
Birth1647, Zweibrücken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany5,152
Deathbef 6 Dec 1719, Kingston, Ulster Co., NY5,2
OccupationCooper [Maker or repairer of barrels and casks]
Marriage30 Jul 1693, Hornbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany5
Marriage6 Dec 1719, Kingston, Ulster Co., New York2