NameHans Jacob Boeshaar Bashor
Birthbef Nov 1681, Zweibrücken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany4
Death12 Nov 1751, , Morris Co., NJ139
ReligionBecame a Seventh Day Dunkard. Descendants are staunch Church of the Brethern.101
Misc. Notes
Name was originally spelled Böshaar with an umlaut over the o.
He appeared as a child with his parents on the Hunter’s list as follows:
Jacob Böshaar made his first appearance on the Hunter Lists 4 July 1710 with 6 persons over 10 years and 2 persons under 10 in the family ; the 4 Oct 1710 entry called him Johann Jacob Böshar.
First appeared in American records in own household - 24 Dec 1711, Livingston Manor, NY. Governor Hunter's subsistance list.
See Hans Jacobs "Facts", under Religion, in this database:
Since the Dunkards were in Pennsylvania, I find it difficult to believe that "this Jacob" joined the Dunkards church.
BirthSep 1697, Bellheim, Pfalz, Bavaria, DEU139