NameCatherine Wolff
Birth14 Jul 1772, Washington Twp., Franklin Co., PA
Birth15 Jul 1772, , , PA
Death1 Oct 1839, , Westmoreland Co., PA124
BurialOct 1839, Kiskinimetas Twp., Armstrong Co., Pa.
Misc. Notes
The Historical Society of Maryland has the marriage of this couple and that makes Catherine’s birthplace in Franklin County, PA somewhat suspect. At least it’s worth questioning.
Children of Daniel and Catherine:
1.+Jacob ULM [Ulm is the surname still in use in this christening record dated 1797.]
Christened: 16 Jul 1797 Berlin, Somerset, Pennsylvania
Parents:Father: Daniel ULM Mother: Catherine WOLFF
2.+Daniel ULAM
3.+Peter ULAM
4.+John W. ULAM
5. Joseph ULAM
6. Nancy Elizabeth ULAM
7.+Catharine ULAM
8.+Hannah ULAM
9.+Martha ULAM
Wolf, Catherine - Parents: Wolf, Peter & Nigh, Doritha IGI no dates.
Birth22 Aug 1757, Germantown, Philadelphia Co., PA11
Birth22 Aug 1754, Germantown, Philadelphia Co., PA30
Death3 Dec 1821, Washington Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA11,30
BurialDec 1821, Kiskinimetas Twp., Armstrong Co., Pa.30
Marriage10 Nov 1791, , , Maryland