NameAlfred Wollam
Birth8 Jan 1818 or 19, Fredericktown, Columbiana Co., Ohio11,115
Misc. Notes
This is the Alfred identified as writing the Wollam Story. I placed that story under Balthasar’s name.
Alfred Wollam a native of Columbiana Co., Ohio was born Feb. 20, 1820 and died Jan. 1898 in his 75th year He was born a son of Jacob Wollam, a native of Virginia and a resident of Columbiana Co.,O. during the latter years of his life. He was the son of Balzar Wollam. He always engaged in farming. Alfred was married to Nancy Thomas in his native county after which he moved to Fairfield Co., Ohio and lived there for a period of 16 years, then moved to Mercer Co., O. in 1865 and located 2 miles east of Celina in Jefferson township where he and his wife passed the remainder of their years. Alfred and Nancy were the parents of 7 boys and 2 daughters as follows:
Ira T., Hiram a preacher in the Society of Friends who resided in Richmond, Ind., Warren J. was a carpenter and lived in Hood Rever, Ore., Byron a painter, lived in St. Mary’s, Ohio, Emma who married Ellsworth Greene lived on a farm near Celina, O., Joseph, a farmer lived in York township, Van Wert Co.,O., Maria, who married Walter Townsend of Neptune, O., George H. resided on the home farm 2 miles southeast of Celina and Michael H. who resided on the line between Van Wert and Paulding Counties, Ohio. Mrs Wollam died in 1902 at the age of 80 years.
Marriage1844, Fairfield Co., Ohio