NameSophia Denson 
Birth2 Nov 1802, MD
Death3 Aug 1880, , Logan Co., IL
BurialAug 1880, Lake Bank Cem., Latham, Logan Co., IL
ReligionMember of the Latham Methodist Church
Misc. Notes
I believe this group is listed together in both the 1870 & 1880 Census.
Howe, James, age 20, Boarder, IL [I believe this is Abner and Jane's son. He married in 1881]
Sophia is listed in the 1880 Census at age 78, born in MD with:
Gasaway, Sarah, Se, 18, IL [Sarah Ellen Gassaway is about the right age and married James William "Jim" Howe in 1881]
Gasaway, Sophia, GD, 10, IL [Nicholas and Mary had a daughter this age.]
1880 Census of Lake Fork Twp., Logan Co., IL
Howe, James, 20, Boarder, Farming, IL, OH, OH
Gassaway, Sophia, 78, Keeping House, ?, blank, blank
Sarah, 18, servant, IL, Ind, IL
Sophia, 10, grandaughter, at school, IL, OH, Ind
The following children are not listed in the Gassaway Family Book.
Mary, Jane, Nicholas or Margaret.
Book on the Denson Family:
M.E.Denson has passed away but you might be able to get the book frm publisher. there may not be any other references but worth a try. Book was about $28.Publisher: Turner Publishing Co. PO Box 3101, Paducah,Ky. 42002-3101. Tel. (502)443-0121.
Penny's note:
According to the Cemetery Transcription of Lake Bank Cemetery:
Sophia was 88y 9m 4d.
That doesn't match the birthdate I have recorded.
Sophia-wife of N. Gasaway
Died Aug. 3, 1880
78y 9m 4d
Jim Gasaway's file has this note: Said by relatives to be of Welsh descent but a similiar note for her husband Nicholas: Said by relatives to be of Scottish descent.
Birth24 Nov 1793, Shenadoah Valley, VA USA
Death22 Dec 1878, , Logan Co., IL
BurialDec 1878, Lake Bank Cem., Latham, Logan Co., IL
ReligionMember of the Latham Methodist Church
Marriage29 Oct 1820, , Ross Co., OH