NameSimon Van Arsdalen
Birthabt 1723
Misc. Notes
The earliest record of Ruliff Crapster/Crabster is in the records of the Harlingen Dutch Reformed Church, Montgomery Township, Somerset County, New Jersey
A list of pewholders, undated, but apparently roughly contemporary with the above [2] shows ROELOF KREPTER as holder of pew 19 in the "men's place." The 8th place in pew 18 in the "women's places" was listed for ROELOF CREPTER.
This is also the last dated record of "Ruliff" and Abigail in New Jersey. A reference, unfortunately undated [6] notes that ROLIF CREPSTER sold his pew to Cornelius Simonse Van Arsdalen Jr. Another reference, likewise undated, notes that ROLEF CREPSTER sold his place in the women's section to W. Simen Van Arsdalen Jr. This may well have been before moving away.