Penny’s Family Tree - Person Sheet
Penny’s Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameSimon Van Arsdalen 132
Birth16 Apr 1697, Flatlands, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Death16 Apr 1789, Conewago, York, Pennsylvania
Misc. Notes
Wills: Simon Van Arsdalen, c. 1789: Straban Twp, York County, PA

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Will of Simon Van Arsdalen

Will recorded in Book G, pp. 385-6, York Co., Penn. (see microfilm no.
5285, Pt. 3, The Genealogical Society, Salt Lake).

The will was proved on the oath of John Cownover and Cornelius Bodine, Apr.
29, 178_, (Book G, p. 386).

On April 29,. 1789, Letters Testamentary were granted unto John
Vanarsdalen, Abraham Vanarsdalen, and Simon Vanarsdalen (Book G, p. 387).

In the name of God Amen. The third day of December in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven, I Simon Vanarsdalen the elder of Straban
Township, York County, State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being sick and weak in body
and of sound and perfect mind and memory and understanding. Thanks be given unto
Almightiest God therefore and calling unto mind the Moartality of my body and
knowing it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will
and testament in the following manner and form. It is my will and I do order in the
first place all my just Debts and Funerla charges be paid and satisfied. Item: I
give and bequeath unto my grandson Simon, son of cornelius, my Siver cup for his
birthright. Item: it is my will and I do order that all the remainder of my whole
Estate, personal, shall be sold as coveniently can be after my decease. Item: It is
my will and I do order that my whole real estate shall be sold as a conveniently can
be after my decease by my Executors here in after named. Item: It is my will that my
son John shall be paid out of my estate for the improvments he make on my Real
Estate. Item: It is my will and I do order that the money arising from my whole
Estate Real and personal to be equally divided among all my children, viz: my son
John, Abraham, Isaac, and Jannetey, and my sons Cornelius, Gerret, and Simon to
share and share alike, but my sons Cornelius, Gerret, and Simon's share to be
equally divided among thier sons and daughters, share and share alike of thier
father's share which are deceased unto them and thier hiers forever. Item: it is my
will and I do order that my executors shall keep the money of my grandchildren in
thier hands until they be of ages and id any of my grandchildren should die without
lawful hiers then thier share to be equally divided among thier brothers and
sisters. Item: I do give hereby and grant unto my Executors herein after named
survivors or Survivor of them the good right and full power lawful and abosolute
authority to sell and dispose of all and singular my Esatae as aforesaid. Lastely I
do hereby nominate, constitute and apoint my sons John Vanarsdalen, Abraham
Vanarsdalen and grandson Simon Vanarsdalen all of York County and State of
Pennsylvania to be my executors of this my last will and testament, ---------, and
confirming this to be my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke , dissolve and
make void all former Wills and Testaments made by me at any time here to fore made.
In witness where of I the said Testor, Simon Vanarsdalen have set my hand and seal
the day and year first above written.

Simon Vanarsdalen

Signed, sealed and delivered by Simon Vanarsdalen as his last will and testament in
the presence of the subscribers, John Cownover, Abraham Bodine, Cornelius Bodene.


Will was probated 29 Apr 1789
Birth1704, Flatlands, Long Island, New York
Death1787, Conewago, York, Pennsylvania
MarriageLong Island, New York
ChildrenAbraham (~1725-)
 Isaac (~1725-)
 Jannetey (~1725-)
 Simon (~1723-)
 Garret (1725-1787)
 Cornelius (~1727-1787)
 Johannis (1737->1810)
Birth1704, Flatlands, Long Island, New York
Death1787, Conewago, York, Pennsylvania
Marriage30 Oct 1722
Last Modified 24 May 2001Created 6 May 2021 using Reunion for Macintosh