NameElizabeth (Shaphoff)
Birth24 Jan 1846, Connecticut81
Death8 Jul 1891, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY
Burial12 Jul 1891, , , NY
Misc. Notes
Source: 1870 Census, 17th Ward, Kings Co., NY. U.S. National Archives Microfilm: Roll 958, Page 136
I am guessing that Elizabeth’s death Certificate was delivered to Richard Shaphoff. It just says R. Shaphoff. She was apparently living with him or he with her, according to the address on her death certificate. It says she had been a resident of this city for 30 years and that she was 45 years, 5 months and 15 days old. She and both of her parents were born in the U. S. She was only attended by the doctor from May to her death on July 7 1891. The undertaker was W. (maybe L.) Russell on 12 Manhattan
Death3 Sep 1901, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY
OccupationGilbert was a Ship’s Carpenter or Joiner.