NameHerman C. Hittenberger 
Birth10 Dec 1916, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA
Misc. Notes
Lived in San Mateo County in the 1980’s
San Francisco Chronicle: August 31, 1941; sports section H, 5 - column 7, with Portrait.
“ST LOUIS, Aug. 30 (AP) -- Herman Hittenberger, 24-year-old San Francisco manufacturer of surgical instruments, won the all-round championship of the National Fly and Bait Casting Association by placing in both events on the final probgam of the 33rd annual meet. Hittenberger, three-time western all-around titlist, captured the 3/8 ounce accuracy crown, and placed in 6 other events in the five-day tournament. Results:
5/8 OUNCE ACCURACY: E.R. Broeker (St. Louis) 99; Henry Fujita (S.F.), 98; Hermann Hittenberger (S.F.); Eldon Taylor (Springfield, O.); Bill Wernet (Canton, O) and Frank Siedhoff (St. Louis), tied with 87.
DRY FLY: Jimmy Price (Fresno), 99; C. F. Forcade, (St Louis), 97; Herman Hittenberger, 96.”
Marvin Hedge was the first to bring the double haul before the world in the 1934 Nationals, in August at St. Louis. However he had demonstrated and taught the haul to members of the Golden Gate Club in the summer of 1934 during a week's stay there. He received two pairs of shoes from a member who had a shoe store as his honorarium. Herman Hittenberger, who began competitive casting with his father Carl in the early thirties and was the all accuracy champion at the 1936 Nationals, recalls that there were casters using the haul on the back cast and casters using the haul on the forecast but that he never knew of anyone using the double haul until Marvin Hedge showed it to the Golden Gate club in 1934. Herman remembers that Jules Cuinan, who won the American all around championship in 1931, used the haul on forward casts but not a double haul. And Jim Green, who spent the summer of 1937 traveling with Marvin Hedge to European casting competitions and won some of them, recalls that Marvin Hedge recounted that he first saw the double haul being used by a fisherman on a river. Jack Sparks, a casting champion and journalist of the pre war era, has mentioned that the haul was used as early as 1922 in the San Franciso area.
Marriage23 Sep 1945, , , CA
Marriage20 Dec 1981, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA45