NameCount Thomas Arundel-Howard
86, 10C12R, A653, 3128, M
Birthbef 1565
FlagsLived in Germany
Misc. Notes
spent his early life in Germany, was made by Emperor Rodolphus II, of Germany, a Count of the Holy Roman Empire, the Patent, dated at Prague, Dec. 14, 1595, "conferring the title upon You Thomas and all and every one of your children, heirs, and legitimate descendants, of both sexes, already born, to that hereafter shall be". He returned to England after winning Honors and distinction on the Continent; gained favors with the Tudors, and was elevated to the Peerage in 1605, as 1st Baron Arundel of Wardour.
ChildrenThos. , 3131, M (<1585-)
ChildrenAnn , 3140, F (~1610-)