Bill’s Family - Person Sheet
Bill’s Family - Person Sheet
NameDaniel Love 7, 6G Grandfather, L100, 2634, M
Birthbef 1720, Antrim County, Ireland
Deathbef 23 Feb 17907 Age: 70
FlagsLived in UK, Lived in US
Immigrationbef 1746 Age: 26
Misc. Notes
Daniel Love (Will)7
Descendants of Archibald Gant & Ancestors of Rebecca Kinkead
William Cooper Weaks 1944

I, Daniel Love of Rockingham County and State of Virginia being sick and in a low state, but in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament, as followeth towit:
First I leave my body to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executors, secondly my personal estate except what is not hereafter otherwise disposed of to be sold and after my funeral expenses and jusstests is paid out of it, the remainder to be equally divided between my two daughters Rachel Dictum and Ann Guinn. Thirdly my land to be sold and one hundred pounds to be given to Richard Dictum my grandson and one other hundred pounds to be given to Ann Guinn my daughter and the remainder of the price of my land to be equally divided between my grand daughters, namely daughter Rachel’s daughters, Fourthly I gave the bed I generally lye on to my grand daughter Lovey Dictum. Fifthly I leave my Negro man Isaac to my daughter Rachel Dictum, till he shall arrive at the age of thirty-one years, and then to be set free. Sixthly I leave my Negro boy named Caesar to my daughter Ann Guinn and my grand daughter Junnett dictum till he shall arrive at the age of thirty-one years, and then hem likewise set free. The said Caesar not to be sold during the time of his service but his time to be divided year about between the above named Ann and Jennett. Seventhly I leave my Negro boy named Billey to my daughter Ann Guinn till he shall arrive at the age of thirty-one years and then the said Billey likewise to be set free. Eighthly I leave my Negro woman named Fillis to be free at my death, and to have my Negro boy named Aron to wait on her till he shall arrive at the age of thirty one and then the said Aron to be free. and if the above named Fillis should depart this life, before the above Aron arrives at the age of thirty-one years then the said Aron to fall to Ann Guinn to that age and then to be free. Ninthly I leave my Negro boy named Abraham to my granddaughter Marge McClain, till he shall arrive at the age of thirty one and then the said Abraham likewise to be set free, during which time the said Abraham is to be learned the Joiners trade and tenthly and lastly, I leave Joseph Dictum and John Guinn, whole and sole executors and Administrators of my estate.
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged
in the presents of us.
W. Herring
Daniel Guin
Charles McClain
Daniel Love

At a court held for Rockingham county on Monday Feb. 23, 1790, This last will and testament of Daniel Love deceased was produced in court and proved by the oaths of William Herring, and Daniel Guin two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon Joseph Dictum and John Guin the executors therein named having complied with the law. Certificate is granted them to obtain probate in due form.
By the court
H.J. Ewins, C,R,C
Attached affidavit Samuel M. William Clerk County Rockingham, Va. June 26, 1805. Recorded Fayette Circuit Court Jan. 8, 1807.
Misc. Notes
Daniel Love7
Descendants of Archibald Gant & Ancestors of Rebecca Kinkead
William Cooper Weaks 1944

Place and date of birth and the names of his parents are unknown.
First record land grant dated August 16, 1746, for 280 acres on Coon’s Creek (Augusta County, Va. Deed Book 17, p 373). Land Grant 250 acres on Coon’s Creek dated September 5, 1749 (Chalkley, vol.2, p. 24).
Appointed Guardian Joseph Dictum, orphan son of Richard Dictum (Tictum) on November 21, 1754 (Augusta County, Va. Will Book 2, p. 80).
His name appears on Augusta Parish Vestry Books 1747 and 1755 (Chalkley, Vol2, p. 416 and p. 435).
On March 20, 1764 Daniel Love and his wife Jane sell to Joseph Dictum 255 acres on coon’s Creek for L115 (Augusta County, Va. Deed Book 11, page 524).
He married Jane Adams daughter of John and Margaret Adams prior to 1744, as is shown in will of Margaret Adams, recorded Augusta County, Va. Will Book 4, page 301 under date of March 15, 1770. Margaret Adams names daughter Jane Love and son-in-law Daniel Love.
Two daughters were born of this marriage, Rachel who married Joseph Dictum and Ann who married John Guinn.
On August 20, 1771, Daniel Love sold tracts of land, 308 acres for L10 to John Guin. (Augusta County, Va. Deed Book 17, p. 373).
"A history of Rockingham County, Va." By John Wayland shows on pages 56 and 58.
"From a day book used from 1774 and 1777 by Felix Gilbert, who lived or kept a store, at or near the place since known as Peale’s Cross Roads, five miles or so southeast of Harrisburg.
(Entry) Friday Dec. 23, 1774
Capt. Daniel Love
To 1 cal. Rum 5s 0p
4 lbs. Sugar 3s4p
To 4 pr. Garters 3s op
Saturday, July 1, 1775
Danl. Love
To 2 sickles 2s 3p

On page 91 is shown court order March 27, 1782, "Daniel Love for "4 dozen of oats" at 1s 6p a dozen, and 4 bushels of (oats?), at 2s a bushel, Nov. 6, 1780.
(No military record has been found to indicate how or when he earned the title of Captain as used above. Most able-bodied men in Augusta County did militia service during these times and it is reasonable to believe Daniel Love was called to service also).
The first U.S. census shows his name on list of Benja’n Harrison in Rockingham County, Virginia.
His will was filed in Rockingham Count, Virginia
February 23, 1790 in which he names his two daughters, Rachel Dictum and Ann Guinn, a grandson Richard Dictum and tree grand-daughters Lovey Dictum, Jennet Dictum and Mary (Dictum) McClain. Because of the unusual disposition made of his slaves and the ??? genealogical data in this will, it is copied as follows from an entry in the Fayette County, Ky. Circuit court – Deed Book C, page 143, which was recorded January 8, 1807.

by Lyman Chalkley

NOVEMBER 17, 1761.

(107) Daniel Love represents that he was security for Margaret Johnston, admx. of Arthur Johnston, but she has since married Wm. Gregg--prays counter security.

MARCH 20, 1764.

(391) Comn. for examination of Jane, wife of Daniel Love.

Vol 2

8th March, 1747-8, Edward Hall's land not processioned, there being a dispute between the said Hall and Col. Patton, not at home.

Daniel Harrison and Morgan Bryant report, viz: Processioned for Samuel Harrison, present Daniel Love, John Wright; processioned for Robert Cravens, present Daniel Love, John Wright;

Daniel Love, twice returned

1756: Processioned from Fairfax's line to North River, by John Harrison and Danl. Smith, viz: For John McClure, for Richd. Dear, for Pat. Quen (Owen), for Danl. Love, for Mathew Black, for Arter Johnson, for Thomas Harrison, for John Wright, for David Walston, for William Logan, for John Davis, for Thomas Lokey, for Jacob Wooly, for Valentine Sevier, for John Phillips, for Andw. Bird, for Thos. Millsaps, for John Obryan, for Michael Wearen, for John Fawler, for David Logan, for Randolph McDonald, for John Cravens, for Joseph Cravens, for Robert Cravens, for John Shelpman, for Alex. Herring, for Jeremiah Harrison, for Reuben Harrison, for John Harrison, Sr., for John Harrison, Jr., for Zebulon Harrison, for Thomas Moore, for Moses Bird, for Wm. McGee, for Col. Wood's Plains, for Robert Harrison. <I>Naiad</I> Creek Patten part not processioned because Cap. Daniel Harrison and John Edwrds objected because there was no patent nor courses to know the lines. <I>Niles</I> Run tract not processioned by reason none to show the lines. Capn. Harrison's not processioned, none to show the lines.

Vol 3

Page 525.--20th March, 1764. Daniel Love and Jean ( ) to Joseph Dictom, £115, 255 acres on Cook's Creek, part of 280 acres granted to Daniel, 16th August, 1756; corner John Craven's land. Delivered: Joseph Dictom, April, 1770.

Page 373.--20th August, 1771. Daniel Love to John Quin (Guin), £10, two tracts: A. 53 acres on Fork of Cook's Creek, patented to Daniel Love, 20th July. 1768, corner his other land. Cravens' line; B. 255 acres, part of 280 acres patented to Daniel, 16th August, 1746, joining the 53 acres; corner Joseph Dicktum ; corner John Craven's land. Delivered: John Guin (Gwin), March, 1776.

SEPTEMBER, 1800 (A to G).

Givin vs. Erwin--Writ of right. Rockingham. John Erwin and Ann, his wife; Joseph Dictum and Rachel, his wife, against Benjamin Erwin, Abraham Miller and Michael Miller. Writ, 28th February, 1793. Receipt for Daniel Love's taxes. Copy of patent to Daniel Love, 250 acres, 5th September, 1749, on Cook's Creek. Also original patent.
Misc. Notes
Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol 19, Page 139

In Arundel co
It is a rather curious circumstance that the location of a church, or churches, in Londontown has never been found. In a rapidly growing community, composed largely of Episcopalians both from England and from Virginia, there must have been a place of religious service. In the strict days of 1705, Queen Anne required church and court house as soon as a town was constituted, and it is likely that both the Established Church and the Dissenters had some place to worship. Church or churches may have been of wood, but it is strange that all tradition of their location should have been lost.

The ruins of the Glebe House may still be seen toward the upper end of the creek of that name, and, possibly, the church may have been near it. In 1694, the church known as All Hallow's was organized about five miles away. Perhaps, the Mother Church was in the town, and the other was first built as a Chapel of Ease. The Rev. Duel Pead, its first rector, was in the colony in 1682. In 1683 he preached before the Assembly. In 1694 he became rector of the entire South River Parish. It is quite possible that between 1683 and 1694 he officiated at Londontown, "the tendency being toward the Episcopate rather than to the Presbyterianism of Annapolis."4

Pead was succeeded by the Rev. Colebatch of Derbyshire, who, for more than ten years presided, acceptably, over South River Hundred and All Hallow's Church. He is called by a fellow rector, "a Whig, one of the best of men." At the time of the Revolution the Rev. Daniel Love was rector, and by that date the taxables of the parish had increased to the number of twelve hundred.
1Jane Adams 7, 6G Grandmother, A352, 2635, F
FatherJohn Adams , 2636, M (<1700-<1740)
MotherMargaret (Adams) , 2637, F (<1700-<1744)
Marriagebef 17437
ChildrenRachel , 2630, F (<1743-)
 Ann , 2675, F (~1750-)
Last Modified 31 Dec 2000Created 3 Mar 2018 using Reunion for Macintosh
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