NameLt Joseph Dictum
7, 5G Grandfather, D235, 2631, M
Birthbef 1740
MemoNamed in Father’s will
Deathabt 1810 Age: 70
Military SvsAmerican Revolution
FlagsLived in US
Census 18001800, Woodford Co, Ky, US Age: 60
Memonot verified
Misc. Notes
Joseph Dictum
7Descendants of Archibald Gant & Ancestors of Rebecca Kinkead
William Cooper Weaks 1944
Son of Richard Tictum (Dictum) and his wife Rosa or Rosemond___, of Augusta County, Virginia. Date of birth and death have not been determined. Named in his father’s will filed in Augusta County, Virginia, Will Book 1, Page 252, dated July 2, 1750, and bond for his mother Rosemond as administrator of Richard Tictum Estate is filed in Will Book 1, Page 287. This bond is signed by Daniel Love but it is not known whether he was a relative or only a friend of the family at that time.
Though no record is found of her will, evidently Rosemond Tictum died sometime before Nov. 21, 1754, for on that date will book 2, page 80, shows Daniel Love was appointed Guardian for Joseph Dictum "an orphan of Richard Dictum".
Have not found record or date of his marriage to Rachell Love, Daughter of Daniel and Jean (Adams) Love, but this was prior to Nov. 16, 1763, when Augusta county, Va., deed book 11, page 470 shows sale of 160 a "on north branch shannawdore, near the clover lick" from Joseph Dictum and Rachell (his wife) to Conrad Custard. This is part of Land inherited from his father Richard Dictum.
On March 20, 1764 Joseph Dictum purchased from Daniel and Jean (Adams) Love for L115, 255 Acres on Coons creek, deed book 11, page 524.
On August 19, 1765, Joseph Dictum and Rachell (Love) Dictum (his wife) sold to James Marshall 100 acres "on no. River shanadoe, mouth of beaver run". Deed book 12, page 66. (This is land patented to Richard Tictum June 25, 1747).
On March 15, 1770 (will book 4, page 301) entry shows Joseph Dictum qualified as executor of estate of Margaret Adams. The widow of John Adams and Grandmother of his wife. (see her will).
On May 15, 1770 (deed book 16, page 315) Samuel Adams of North Carolina gave to Joseph Dictum power of attorney to convey 340 a. on linvels creek, (this is land devised by Margaret Adams and patented in the name of Mary (? Or Marg) Adams).
"A history of Rockingham county, Va." By John W. Wayland shows page 55. "From a day book used from 1774 to 1777 by Felix Gilbert who lived or kept a store at or near a place since known as Peale’s cross roads, five miles or so southeast of Harrisonburg.
1775 – Joseph Dictum gave 2 Bu. Wheat for relief of Bostonians.
of this entry and the reasons for the donation we quote from "Annals of Augusta county, Virginia" by Waddell, page 2225
"While the strife between the colonies and mother country was brewing in 1774 the port of Boston was closed by the British and the people of that city, mainly dependent upon commerce for subsistance, were reduced to a state of destitution and suffering, the sympathy of the country was aroused, and contributions for their relief were made in various places. The remote county of Augusta sent her quota the very autumn her sons fought the Indians at Point Pleasant. Says the historian, Bancroft: "when the sheaves had been harvested and the corn threshed and ground in, a county as yet poorly provided with barns and mills, the backwoodsmen of Augusta County, without any pass through the mountains that could be called a road, noiselessly and modestly delivered at Frederick one hundred and thirty-seven barrels of flour as their remittance to the poor of Boston". (VII, Page 74). What a task the transportation was, may be inferred from the fact that nearly fifty years afterwards Bookett’s stages took three days to make the trip from Staunton to Winchester."
Joseph Dictum’s service during the Revolutionary War is shown by the following:
"American Archives" 5th series (by force) Vol. 2, p. 322. "A list of Captains and subaltern officers in the Virginia service, dayes of commissions &c.," Eighth regiment shows Joseph Dickdomas 1st Lieut. In company of David Stephenson, with John Gratton, 2nd Lieut. and Samuel Coleman, Ensign, all promoted with commissions dated March 25, 1776.
We must remember Rockingham County was formed from a part of Augusta County in October 1777 and further records of Joseph Dictum and his family are found in the new county of Rockingham.
"Chalkley" vol. 2, page 363 shows:
1778 – Joseph Dictum, ensign, in Capt. Ro. Craven’s company from Rockingham county records.
Page 366,
1779 – Jo. Dictum, second Lieutenant in Capt. Jos. Harrison’s Company November 23,1779.
"History of Rockingham County, Va." By John W. Wayland.
Page 72 – at the court march 23, 1779. Joseph Dictum was sworn in as ensign.
Page 445 – Early marriage records
Charles McClean & Margaret dictum – Aug. 8, 1783
Bazilia Ragin & Jean Dictums – Oct. 3, 1791
Damiel Spangler and Nancy Dictom – Jan. 2, 1794
(These are daughters of Joseph Dictum)
The son Richard Dictum married Patsey Finley, daughter of John Finley, as shown by his will (Chalkley’s vol.3, p. 223) dated Feb. 2, 1802 and by deed records in which she signs relinquishing right of dower in land sold by Richard dictum to Daniel Spangler. (Woodford county, Ky., deed book c-2, page 97, dated Aug. 3, 1796).
The first census of US 1790 – Virginia, Rockingham county shows on list of Benja’n Harrison, dated 1784
Joseph Dicktom – 9 white souls – 2 dwellings – 1 other dwelling
The exact date of his coming to Woodford county, Ky. Is unknown, but the earliest deed record in mentioned as land bought from Hezekiah Briscoe on July 7, 1795 (see Woodford county deed book C-1, page 419 – sale land to Humphrey Marshall, recorded Sept. 3, 1804). The names of Joseph Dictum and Richard Dictum first appear on Woodford County, Ky. Tax lists in 1796. (These lists on file with Kentucky State Historical Society at Frankfort, KY.)
Woodford County deed records show the following"
Deed book c-3, page 96, dated Aug. 3, 1796.
Joseph Dictum and Rachel his wife to Charles McClane – Dower rights relinquished Feb. 6, 1797 by Rachel – recorrded Feb 6, 1797.
Deed book c-2, page 100, dated Aug. 3, 1796.
Joseph Dictum & Rachel his wife to Danl Spangler – lot recorded Feb. 6, 1797
Deed book c-2, page 407 dated Aug. 5, 1800
Joseph Dictum & Rachel his wife to Guy Kinkead – 2 lots and plot of land – recorded Aug. 4, 1800
Deed book c-2, page 587 dated July 2, 1803
Joseph Dictum to Richard Dictum – Town Lots – recorded July 2, 1803
Deed book c-1, page 419 dated Sept. 3, 1804
Joseph Dictum, Daniel Spangler & Nancy his wife and Guy Kinkead and Lovey his wife to Humphrey Marshall – 20 a covered by deed dated July 7, 1795 from Hezekiah Briscoe to said Joseph Dictum. Recorded Sept. 3, 1804.
The only indication of a trade or business found is in deed book c-1, page 444 dated July 2, 1804, where it mentions "lot 18 in town of Versailles, where the YanYard is now erected which is the property of Joseph & Richard Dicktum:. From this I conclude they operated a tannery while in Versailles.
The marriage bond of guy Kinkead and Lovey Dictum dated May 15, 1800 was signed in Woodford county, Ky., by Joseph Dictum and Richard Dictum.
The names of Joseph and Richard Dictum last appear on Woodford County, Ky. Tax lists in the year 1810 and no further record was found of either of them. We do not know where they moved to after leaving Versailles, Ky. Date of death unknown.
Misc. Notes
by Lyman Chalkley Dictum and John Givin, executors Joseph Love, vs. Casper Dager--Debt. Augusta, 26th February, 1790.
SEPTEMBER, 1800 (A to G).
Givin vs. Erwin--Writ of right. Rockingham. John Erwin and Ann, his wife; Joseph Dictum and Rachel, his wife, against Benjamin Erwin, Abraham Miller and Michael Miller. Writ, 28th February, 1793. Receipt for Daniel Love's taxes. Copy of patent to Daniel Love, 250 acres, 5th September, 1749, on Cook's Creek. Also original patent.
The following notes are from the Minute Book of the County Court of Rockingham through the Revolutionary Period:
1778--April 28th, Military officers recommended, viz: Gawin Hamilton, Captain, qualified 28th May, 1778; Joseph Smith, Lieutenant; Jno. Rice, 2d Lieutenant; Wm. Smith, Wm. Herring, 2d Lieutenants and Joseph Dictum, Ensign, in Capt. Ro. Cravens' Company. Richard Regan, 2d Lieutenant, and Joseph Smith, Ensign, in Capt. Daniel Smith's Company.
1779-- November 23d, Military officers recommended, Robert Smith recommended First Lieutenant; Jno. Rutherford, Second Lieutenant; Elliot Rutherford, Ensign in Captain Reagan's Company. Jo. Dictum, ditto, Second Lieutenant; Ro. Harrison, Ensign in Captain Jos. Harrison's Company.
1783--August 26th, John Brown, Senior, proves by Joseph Dictum that a gun of John Brown's, Jr., his son, who died in Continental Army, was lost.
Vol 3
Page 470.--14th November, 1763. Joseph Dictom and Rachell to Conrad Custard, £130, 160 acres on North Branch of Shannandore, near the Clover Lick. Delivered: Uriah Humble, April, 1765.
Page 525.--20th March, 1764. Daniel Love and Jean ( ) to Joseph Dictom, £115, 255 acres on Cook's Creek, part of 280 acres granted to Daniel, 16th August, 1756; corner John Craven's land. Delivered: Joseph Dictom, April, 1770.
Page 66.--19th August, 1765. Joseph Dictum and Rachel to James Marshall, £20, 100 acres patented to Richard Tictom, 25th June, 1747, on North River Shanadoe; corner Bernard McKenny, mouth of Beaver Run. Delivered: Francis Stewart, 2d March, 1767.
Page 491.--17th May, 1766. Rudolph Mauk and Cathrine ( ) to Michael Hauber (Hober), £70, 335 acres on head of Fort Run at foot of North Mountain, patented to Rudolph, 30th August, 1763, oak in Johnson's line. Teste: Joseph Dictum, Andrew Trumbo, John Cain, George ( ) Shoemaker. Delivered: Michael Hober, 16th June, 1772.
Page 503.--15th August, 1766. Nicholas ( ) Cain and Catherine ( ), of Albemarle County, to Andrew Trumboe, £32, 100 acres on North River of Shanand and within the gap of the mountain, patented to Nicholas, 20th August, 1747; corner Bernerd McHenry. Teste: Rudy Mauk, John Cain, Joseph Dictum, George ( ) Shoemaker. Delivered: Andrew Trumbo, 8th November, 1774.
Page 373.--8th August, 1767. John Cravens, eldest son and heir and executor of Robert Cravens, farmer, deceased, and Mary Cravens, widow and executrix of Robert, to Archibald Huston, farmer, £170, 470 acres, corner to tracts devised to Zebulon and Robert Harrison, part of 7009 acres patented to McCoy, Hite, &c., 26th March, 1739. Teste: John Wilson, Joseph Dictum, John Guin.
Page 383.--18th August, 1767. Archibald Huston, farmer, and Mary to John Cravens, farmer, £171, 470 acres, part of 7009 acres patented to McCoy, Hite, &c., on Linvelle's Creek, corner that part devised by Robert Cravens to Zebulon and Robert Harrison, conveyed to Archibald by deed dated 8th of this inst. Teste: John Wilson, Joseph Dictum, John Guin. Delivered: Michael McMullin, March, 1770.
Misc. Notes
In the "Abstracts of Wills of Augusta County Virginia"
August County Court
Will Book 2 page 80
"Daniel Love's Bond as guardian (appointed) to Joseph Dictom, orphan
of Richard Dicton. With sureties Uriah Humble, Robert Ralston"
In "Abstracts of Land Records of Augusta County Virginia"
Deed Book 7 page 470
"Joseph Dictom and Rachell to Conrad Custard f130, 1600 acres on
North Branch of Shannandore near Clover Lick. Delivered:
Uriah Humble April 1865."
Deed Book 12 page 65
" Joseph Dictum and Rachel to James Marshall f20 100 acres patented to
Richard Tictom, 25th June 1747, on North River Shanadoe: Corner
Bernnard McKenny, mouth of Beaver Run Delivered: Francis Stewart,
24 Mar 1767 "
The Tunis Hood Family; chap. Harrison Ancestors and Relatives pg 465
The Tunis Hood Family: its Lineage and Traditions was written by
Dellmannn O. Hood 1960; these Hood's were orginnally Dutch.
Joseph Dictum was a 2nd Lt. in Rev.War he was in the Va. Militia listed as
1st Lt.
Joseph Dictum: French & Indian War 1756; Continental Army 1775-1783; 1st Lt
1780; May 1778 March to Tygart's Valley; Captain Robert Cravens, Ensg. Jos.
Dictum Orginal info from Daniel Reagan, 1716 Blackwood Drive; Knoxville,Tn.
March 1756 Joseph Dictum was granted pay for service in the French & Indian
War (service from Augusta Co., Va.)
1784 Rockingham Co., Va tax list
List of Benjamin Harrison includes adjacent entries: Dicktom, Joseph, 9 white
souls, 2 dwe llings, 1 other building
McClain, Charles, 3 white souls, 0,0
Register of Officers of the Continental Army 1775-1783
Dickdom, Joseph, 1st Lieut. 8th Va, Mar 25, 1776 to ?
Index to Rev. War Aplications
Dicken, Joseph, Va. S3287, Culpepper Co.. Va.
Dickin, Joseph N.; Va. #r2948
Va. Militia in Rev.War = Offers in Rockingham Co, Va, Section 277
Dictum, John: 2nd Lieut. recommended Nov 23, 1779 under J. Harman
Dictum, Joseph: 1st Lieut. Recommended Oct 23,1780
In Nov 1754 Daniel Loves's bond as guardian (appted) to Joseph Dictum,
orphan of Richard Dictom with sureties Uriah Humble & Robt. Randston
- from Ralph McClain
Lovie , 2588, F (<1780-1841)