NamePhilip Webber , Sr.
99, 6G Grandfather, W160, 2368, M
Birth1691, New Kent Co, Virginia Colony266
DeathDec 1761, Goochland Co, Virginia Colony267 Age: 70
Burial23 Dec 1761, Goochland Co, Virginia Colony
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Tom Hoppel Webber gives the county of birth as King William. King William was formed in 1701-2 from King & Queen which was in turn formed in 1691 from New Kent.
Tom gives the birth date as 1691 and Richard Webber of Oklahoma City, OK gives as "about 1678".
Goochland County Records Page 1890.
Obadiah and John Woodson, Goochland County to Phillip Webber of same county 300 acres on north side of James River, beginning on lower side of Dover Mill creek, March 6, 1741 recorded March 17, 1741.
Goochland County Records Page 1891.
" John Woodson of Goochland County to Phillip Webber of same county one-half of 2,590 acres that John Woodson and John Dobbs jointly entered for and had surveyed 2,590 acres Goochland County and by them mutually agreed that said John Woodson should obtain a patent in his own name for said land and said Woodson to divide same in two equal parts. Signed by Dobbs and Phillip Webber and by Woodson conveyed to said Webber. July 10, 1742" recorded July 20, 1742 Volume 4 page 33.
Virginia Patents 24 1745-1746
Phillip Webber
" GEORGE, the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland. King, Defender of the Faith and to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. WHEREAS by one Patent under the Great Seal of this our colony and Dominion of Virginia bearing date the twelfth day of March one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine. There was granted unto John Woodson one certain tract or parcel of land containing TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED and NINETY ACRES lying and being in the county of Goochland on both sides of Fleming Park Creek of the north side of James River lying all round two hundred acres of land patented to Richard Napier Junior and externally bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at a white oak near the north side of a run of Freafurdes (?) run a corner between David Mims and Daniel Johnson running thence on Johnson's south thirty one degrees west one hundred and thirty two poles to pointers. Thence on Henry Webb west on hundred and thirty two poles to a black oak south half a degree west two hundred and forty six poles to pointers. North eighty nine and a half degrees east two hundred and seven poles to a pine thence on Thomas Ballou south three degrees west one hundred and sixty poles to pointers. Thence on Thomas Carter south seventy five and a half degrees west eighty three poles to pointers thence on Isham Randolph, Gentleman, south sixty degrees west one hundred and fifty nine poles to a pine south forty degrees west 87 and a half poles t pointers. Thence on John Bolling, Gentleman, south forty three degrees west eighty four poles to a pine thence on Tarlton Fleming and Brooler Cocke, Gentleman, north thirty degrees west seventy eight poles to a black walnut near the south side of Fleming Park creek north eighty one degrees west 27 poles crossing the said creek to a red oak. North fifty one degrees west four hundred and eighty six poles to a red oak. South forty four degrees west fifty four poles to a spanish oak. Thence on Ashford and Stephen Hughes north forty three degrees west one hundred and sixty three poles to a white oak north forty three and half degrees east ninety five poles ot a red oak, north twenty and a half degrees east one hundred and twenty poles to a spanish oak
Thence on Thomas Mapire (?), deceased. North fifty nine and a half degrees east eighty four poles to said oak. North sixteen and a half degrees ninety two poles to a pine. Thence a new line east seventy three poles to a pine. Thence on Leonard and Thomas Ballou. South fifty five and a half degrees east two hundred and eight poles to a white oak. North six and a half degrees west one hundred and ninety six poles to a white oak. Thence in Wm Cabbell, Gentleman. South fifty three degrees east one hundred and sixty four poles to pointers. North seventy one degrees east four hundred and eighty three poles to a pine. Thence on David Mims. South twenty seven degrees west one hundred and twenty poles to the first station which said tract or parcel of land was granted in consideration condition of cultivating and improving as in the said patent is expressed and whereas the said John Woodson hath failed to make such cultivation and improvement and Joseph Dobbs hath made humbly sent to our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion and hath obtained a Grant for the same land. Which he has assigned unto PHILLIP WEBBER.
THEREFORE, know ye that for divers good causes and considerations, but more especially for and in consideration of the sum THIRTEEN POUNDS of good and lawful money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our Reserves in this our said Colony and Dominion WE HAVE Give Granted and Confirmed and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do give grant and confirm unto the said Phillip Webber and to his heirs and assigns forever All the said tract or parcel of land and every part and parcel thereof with all woods, hardewoods, swamps, marshes, L__?, grounds, meadows, feedings and his due share of all veins, mines and quaries as well discovered and not discovered within the bounds aforesaid and being part of the said quantity of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED and NINETY ACRES of land and the river waters and water courses therin contained together with the privelges of hunting, fishing, fowling and all other profits, commodities and hereditaments whatsoever to the said (patentee?) or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appurtaining TO HAVE HOLD possess and enjoy the said tract or parcel of land and all other before granted premises and every part thereof with their appurtenances unto the said PHILLIP WEBBER and to his heirs and assigns forever to the only use and behoof of him the said PHILLIP WEBBER his heirs and assigns forever TO BE HELD of us our heirs and successors as of our manner of Capt. Greenwich in the County of Kent in free and common Soccage and in Capits or by Knights Service. YIELDING and PAYING unto us our heirs and successors for every fifty acres of land and in proportionably for a lesser or greater quantity than fifty acres the free rent of one shilling yearly to be paid upon the Feast of Saint Michael Archangel and also cultivating and improving three acres part of every fifty of the tract above mentioned within three years after the date of these presents. PROVIDED always that if three years of the said free rent shall at any time be in arrear and unpaid or if the said PHILLIP WEBBER his heirs or assigns do not within thw space of three years next coming after the date of these presents cultivate and improve three acres part of every fifty of the tract above mentioned then the estate hereby granted shall cease and be utterly determined and thereafter it shall and may be lawful to and for our heirs and successors to grant the same lands and premises with the appurtenances unto such other person or persons as we our heirs and successors shall think fit. IN WITNESS whereof we have caused them our letters patent to made WITNESS OUR TRUSTY and WELL LOVED WILLIAM GOOCH, Esquire, our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the Seal of our said Colony the twentieth day of September one thousand seven hundred and forty five. In the nineteenth year of our Reign.
Signed: William Gooch "
Goochland County Order Book No. 5, 1741-1744, April 1742. "On the motion of Philip Webber his Ordinary Lycens is renewed." Note: an ordinary license was a county authorized license to operate a tavern serving food and spirits and perhaps having a few bedrooms for travellers. - per Mary Willson Hilliard.
25 July 1754 Goochland County, Virginia book 6, page 411. Philip Webber give Philip Webber, Jr. the power of attorney to collect debts, merchadise business. Witnesses: Wm. Webber and Anna Webber.
Philip Webber's funeral service was held December 23, 1761. The sermon was on Matthew 24, 44. Services held in Goochland. "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."
Marriageabt 1711, New Kent Co, Virginia Colony
Mary , 3605, F (1709-1715)
Mary , 3628, F (1722-<1807)