NamePhilip Webber , Jr.
99, 6G Uncle, W160, 2173, M
Birth1725, New Kent or King William Co, Virginia Colony253
Death26 Feb 1796, Cumberland Co, Va, US Age: 71
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Who is Ann B. Webber b. abt 1773? Is this the same Ann who married Richard Ligon?
Deed Book 6 page 417 Cumberland County, Virginia (abstract):
"Philip Webber and Taphenes, his wife, February 14, 1787, Richard Webber each of Cumberland County, Virginia in consideration of natural love and affection they have for Richard Webber, tract in Cumberland County, Virginia on the Appomattox River 98 1/3 acres at the mouth of Angelo Creek, one of the witnesses was Benjamin Webber and Philip Webber, Jr., recorded this 24 Feb. 1787." Sent by Dick Webber May 19, 1998.
Will Book 3 page 91, Cumberland County, Virginia. Will of Philip Webber.
"I give to my son, Benjamin Webber, one slave named Charles. I give my son, Seth, one slave named Isham. I give my son Simeon, one slave named Isaac and one boy named Absolom. I lend to my daughter, Ann, six slaves and, at her death, to the heirs of her body, if any, and if no heirs, I give them to be equally divided between the children that her brother, Philip, and her brother, Seth, and the two youngest children of her brother, Richard, that may be then living, of the balance of my slaves and give to be equally divided between Benjamin, Seth, Simeon and Ann. The residue of my property to the highest bidder and money to be for the equalizing of the lots of slaves among children mentioned. My sons, Richard and Philip, having all according to my opinion received just and sufficient legacies of my estate, I wholly exclude in this my last will and appoint Capt. William Walker, Andrew Nelson, both of Cumberland County, executors. February 26, 1796"
Sent by Dick Webber May 19, 1998
Deed Book 8 pages 122 and 123:
" This indenture made this 3rd day of January 1798 between Benjamin Webber, Seth Webber, Simeon Webber and Sarah Webber, wife of Seth Webber, of the County of Cumberland of the one part and Thomas Gibson of Prince Edward County of the other part witnesseth that they, the said Benjamin, etc. consideration 930 pounds of good, lawful money of Virginia to them in hand paid 310 acres tract whereon Philip Webber, deceased, lived in the County of Cumberland on Appomattox River, being their several due shares and proportions of that tract aforesaid as children and legatees of the said Philip Webber, deceased, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small hickory Richard Ligon's corner on the bank of the river about 16 poles above the great bend of the river which is just above Webber's Ford, thence up the river as it meanders to Nelson's old line, now Richard Webber's, thence along that line north 234 poles to Richard Ligon's line corner pointers near a drain, thence south 86 degrees east 290 poles to the beginning, together with all and singular the appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining thereto.
Signed: Benjamin Webber
Witnessed" Wm. Walker, Richard Webber, Warren Walker, Sr., Seth Webber,
Ann Nelson, John Dodson, Sarah Webber, wife of Seth Webber, privately examined, relinquished her right of dower.
January 22, 1798"
Sent by Dick Webber May 19, 1998
Will Book 3, page 91, Cumberland County, Virginia, Will of Philip Webber:
I give to my son, Benjamin Webber, one slave named Charles. I give my son, Seth, one slave named Isham. I give my son, Simeon, one slave named Isaac and one boy named Absolom. I lend to my daughter, Ann, six slaves. and at their death to the heirs of her body, if any, and if no heirs I give them to equally divided between the children that her brother, Philip, and her brother, Seth, and the two youngest children of her brother, Richard, that may be then living, of the balance of my slaves and give to be equally divided between Benjamin, Seth, Simeon and Ann. The residue of my property to the highest bidder and money to be for equalizing of the lots of slaves among children mentioned. My sons, Richard and Philip, having all according to my opinion received just and sufficient legacies of my estate. I wholly exclude in this my last will appoint Capt. Wm. Walker, Andrew Nelson, both of Cumberland County, executors, 2/26/1796