NameAbraham Brasier
63, 6G Grandfather, B626, 1474, M
Birth25 Nov 1668, New York Colony63
Deathaft 1717, New York Colony63 Age: 48
Occupationassistant Alderman of the East Ward
Military SvsLieutenant in command of the fort
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
In 1689, at the age of 20, Abraham Brasher, son of Henry and Susannah (ne Spicer/widow Walters) Breser was one of the leading adherents of Gov. Jacob Leisler, who seized power in Now York on the occasion of William of Orange coming to the throne in England and the expulsion of King James. An aristocratic party in New York strenuously opposed Gov. Leisler, doubtless because he had grabbed power before they could. In 1689, Abraham assisted the soldiers in taking Colonel Byard and was commissioned Ensign in DeBroun’s company, 17 Dec. 1689. He made affidavit in June 1690 styling himself Ensign, age 21. He was Lieutenant in command of the fort in the city and sheriff from Jan 8 to March. After Leisler surrendered his authority in 1692, to Governor Sloughter, who was appointed by King William, Leisler’s jealous enemies instituted the charge of high treason against him and some of his adherents including Abraham Brasher. they hastily tried, convicted and sentenced to be hanged and beheaded. Leiler and his son-in-law were executed, the others were held in prison 17 months. Abraham was imprisioned by Gov sloughter with nine others for treason. n 1692, he petitioned for pardon. Gov. fletcher mentions him in Oct. 1693 as under indictment for treason and the murder of Broun and others. He was finally pardoned 20 Feb. 1702 by the king.
He was apparently free to go about his usual business after about 1692 and even to take public office during the whole indictment. He was made a burgher 6 Sep 1698. He was listed as Ensign in Col, Abrahamn DePeuyster’s Regt. 1700. Abraham Brasier was assistant Alderman of the East Ward 1699-1702 and on 13 May 1702, petitioned against usurpations of Thomas Noell, Mayor, Abraham Brasher was on a 1703 census of the East Ward, with a wife, one male child, and one female child (Doc Hist State NY, 1:611)
Marriage18 Oct 1690, New York Colony
Lucas , 227, M (1697-1736)