NameDr John Stites Jr
6,9,96,161, GGGG Grandfather, S332, 1415, M
Birth25 Apr 1745, Springfield, Union Co, New Jersey Colony6
Death1810-1812, Georgetown, Scott Co, KY, US Age: 64
ReligionScotch Plains Baptist
Military SvsAmerican Revolution (CN) - Officer
FlagsLived in US, Look in KY, Look in VA
Census 17901790, New York Colony Age: 44
MemoDock Ward
Census 1800NY Or NJ?
Census 1810? , Georgetown, Scott Co, KY, US
Baptism9 Feb 1752, Shrewsbury, New Yourk Age: 6
MemoShrewsbury church
Misc. Notes
Family:Information on this family comes from film # 1597904
Census: Scott Co., KY gives sex and age brackets of family
Family: Extracts from "NY Gazette & Weekly Mercury" 22 April 1776
Court: "Minutes of Inferior Court of Common Pleas, Essex Co., NJ 10 May 1779 and 6 July 1779.
Residence: John married in New York, returned to Elizabeth town then went west.
Conflict:Is the birth date 1723 or 17 Apr 1745
Name of head of family: Stites, John
Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1
Free white females, including heads of families: 1
Massachusetts Army & Navy, the Revolution, 17 Vols.
Volume 15 page 21 Stiles, John, Boxford.Private, Capt. Jacob Gould's co. of militia, Col. Samuel Johnson's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 4 days; also, Capt. William Perley's co., Col. James Frye's regt.; return of men in camp at Cambridge, dated May 17, 1775; also, receipt for advance pay, signed by said Stiles and others, dated Cambridge, June 8, 1775; also, muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 1, 1775; service, 3 mos.; also, company return [probably Oct., 1775]; also, order for bounty coat dated Cambridge, Nov. 14, 1775; also, Private, Capt. Daniel Lane's co., Col. Brooks's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from April 16, 1777, to Feb. 2, 1778; [p.21] residence, Boxford; reported died Feb. 2, 1778; also, Capt. Lain's co., Col. Alden's regt.; return dated Albany, Jan. 14, 1778; enlisted for town of Boxford; mustered by County Muster Master Cushing and by a Continental Muster Master; also, Capt. Lane's co., (late) Col. Ichabod Alden's (6th) regt.; return of men who were in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777, etc., certified at Cherry Valley, Feb. 24, 1778; reported died Feb. 18, 1778.
Volume 15 page 21 Stiles, John, Granville.Sergeant, Capt. Lebbeus Ball's co. of Minute-men, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; discharged May 3, 1775; service, 13 days.
Volume 15 page 21 Stiles, John.Private, in a detachment from Capt. William Cooley's co., Col. John Mosley's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted Oct. 21, 1776; returned Nov. 17, 1776; service, 28 days; company marched under command of Lieut. Col. Timothy Robinson to reinforce Northern army. Roll dated Granville.
Volume 15 page 21 Stiles, John.Private, Capt. Preserved Leonard's co., Col. Elisha Porter's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 28, 1779; discharged Sept. 2, 1779; service, 1 mo. 10 days, at New London, Conn., including 4 days (72 miles) travel home.
Misc. Notes
I drove to Georgetown yesterday and in the courthouse I found the sale of Adam Stites on Feb 24, 1812. I wonder if this could be a mistake because I never heard of an Adam Stites. Right after this item in the records it states: Amount of the sales of the residue of the personal estate of John Stites, decd, made March 30, 1812 by John R. Ireland and William Sheppard as clerk. Articles purchased by Abram Stites as for his use. Then there is a long list of items he purchased. I think the Adam should have been John. All of this is found in Will Book B, pages 110-115, Scott County Courthouse, Georgetown, KY.
I checked on the January 6 1817 B Chambers suit in Scott co. between Jonathan Robinson versus heirs of John Stites, David and Cornelia Galbreath, late Cornelia Stites. The archived records in the Kentucky Library and Archives in Frankfort, KY begin in 1827. There are also no death and marriage records in the Scott Co. courthouse before 1837. Seems the courthouse has burned twice and many records are lost.
I also found the following in the Scott Co., KY courthouse records:
Book B, page 350, 1818... "On motion of Ann Stites, --- of John Stites, decd, that Elijah Craig, J. J. Johnson, and Matthew Henry be appointed being first sworn to allot and ---- her dower of the estate of her dead husband and make report to court."
page 355 - "On motion of Abram Stites, administrator of John Stites, decd, William Warren, Benjamin B. Ford, Thomas C. Buckner, and Matthew W. Henry or any of them be appointed to settle with him on the admship of the estate of the said decd."
page 337 - "At a court continued and held at courthouse in Georgetown on Tuesday, 3rd of May, 1814 a settlement with Abraham Stites as Adm. of John Stites, deceased, return by the Adm ordered to be recorded."
page 341 - Motion of Abram Stites, adm. of estate of John Stites, deceased, it be ordered that Benjamin B. Lord, William Warren,, Thomas H. Herndon and James Grant and James W. Hawkins or any of them be appointed as commissioners to make a further - - with him as adm. of said estate."
I'll keep looking. Maybe something else will turn up.
Marriage16 Jan 1764, New York Colony166,96
Marr MemoNew York Marriage Bonds VIII pg 19
John (Died as Infant), 1317, M (1773-1773)
John , 1353, M (1780->1810)