NameSusannah Brasher
6, GGGG Grandmother, B626, 1392, F
Birth8 Jul 1731, New York Colony
Deathbef 1810, Georgetown, Scott Co, KY, US Age: 78
FlagsLived in US, Look in KY, Look in VA
Misc. Notes
A Sarah Brashears Immigrated From County Cork, Ireland Before 1775 Married To James McGill Who Died In 1834. Reference To Edinburgh Evening News 4/16/1969)
The information on the wife of Dr. John Stites, Susannah Breser, who settled in Georgetown, KY was given to me by Charles Brashear who lives in San Diego, CA and is writing a book on the Brashear family. He came across her thinking she was a Brashear, but found her maiden name was Breser. The family was French Huguenots who joined the Dutch Reformed Church in New York City and the records of the Breser, Spicer, Schouten, Gasherie, and Schoonmaker families are found in the Manuals of the Dutch Reformed Church in New York.
Under Schoonmaker on Genforum, Lorine McGinnis Schulze answered my inquiry posted on July 19, 1998. If you can't find it, I'll write you what she said. She answered me twice, both on Sept. 27, 1998.
I posted an inquiry on Suzanne Brasher on Genforum on April 8, 1998, that was answered by Charles Brashear. His reply of June 26, 1998 contains all the information he sent me.
The information on Henry Ashton Johnson and his marriagae to Ann Michie came from the book, "Marriages of Louisa County, Virginia, 1766-1815" by Kathleen Booth Williams. On page 57, it states, 19 January 1784. Henry A. Johnson and Ann Michie. Sur. John Poindexter, Jr. Married 20 January by Rev. William Douglas p 25.
Through the Johnson line we are descended from the Meriwethers when Thomas Johnson married Ann Meriwether, a sister of Jane who married Col. Robert Lewis and became the grandparents of Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific. Ann's father, Nicholas Meriwether II, married Elizabeth Crawford.
Marriage16 Jan 1764, New York Colony166,96
Marr MemoNew York Marriage Bonds VIII pg 19
John (Died as Infant), 1317, M (1773-1773)
John , 1353, M (1780->1810)