NameGustav Maiwald
, M430, 1308, M
Birthbef 1882
Memolisted as band instrument maker in SF directory 1900
Deathaft 1905 Age: 23
Memolisted in SF directory 1905
OccupationBand Instrument Maker
Immigrationbef 1889 Age: 7
Memoin sf dir 1889
Misc. Notes
The source of this name appears to be Prussia.
Gustov was listed in the San Francisco Directory from 1900 - 1905 as a musical instrument maker.
Check Germans to America, 1850-1874 CD355
Gustav Martin Johannes MAIWALD - International Genealogical Index \ GE
Gender: M Christening: 2 Sep 1866 Liegnitz, Schlesien, Preussen
Gustav Adolf MEIWALD - International Genealogical Index \ GE
Gender: M Birth: 13 Mar 1847 Breslau Stadt, Schlesien, Preussen
ChildrenMartha , 2993, F (~1900-)