NameMika Fabisch
, Half G Aunt, F120, 1301, F
Birth24 Aug 1867, Brestan,Germany (Maybe Breslau)79,155
MemoFrom Death Certificate
Death28 Jan 1946, San Francisco, SF Co, CA, US155 Age: 78
MemoLaguna Honda Home
Burial30 Jan 1946, Holy Cross, Colma, San Mateo Co, CA, US80,155
MemoSec T, Row 8, Area 2, Grave 7
FlagsLived in Schlesien, Lived in US, have dDoc
Cause of deathCardiac insufficiency due to myocadial infarction due to Arteriosclerotic heart disease155
Immigration6 Nov 1882, New York, NY, US35,155 Age: 15
Memoonboard “Elbe” from Bremen
Census 191017 Apr 1910, San Francisco, SF Co, CA, US81 Age: 42
Memo343 San Jose Ave.
Census 1920Jan 1920, San Francisco, SF Co, CA, US156 Age: 52
Memo192 Valley st.
Misc. Notes
According to the Jan. 1920 Census: Mika was living with Emil. He died at the end of 1920.
Holy Cross Cemetary records that Mika is buried with William, but her name is not on the stone.
At Laguna Honda 2 yrs 10 mths at time of death.
US for 64 years.
ChildrenMilton , 160, M (1902-1952)