NameSir Geoffrey V Plantagenet Count of Anjou
63, 25G Grandfather, P453, 616, M
Birth24 Aug 1113, Anjou, Anjou, France63
Death7 Sep 1151, Chateau, Eure-et-Loir, France Age: 38
Burialabt Sep 1151
FlagsLived in France
Misc. Notes
Count of Anjou and Duke of Normandy, 1144. The name
"Plantagenet" derives from
his wearing a twig (sprig) of yellow broom (plante genet) in his
helmet as a
He and Maud, in 1128, tried to lay claim to Normandy and
England. Their son
Henry II finally became King after invading England and forcing
cousin King
Stephen to acknowledge him as heir, 1154.
Marriage22 May 1127, Le Mans, Sarthe, France, France