NameLeRoy Phillips
97, GGGG Grandfather, P412, 310, M
Birthbef 1785
Deathabt Feb 1845, Boone Co, MO, US Age: 60
P. 98 Leroy Phillips
Sound state of mind and memory. To be decently burried in some public grave yard. Debts to be paid. To beloved wife, Melinda during her natural life, negro girl Suck, aged about 17; tract of land of 100 acres on waters of Clay Lick Creek in Crittenden Co., KY; all bonds and accounts due me in this state and elsewhere; household and kitchen furniture; farming utensils and crop on hand; stock of seven horses; cow and calf; wagon and oxen; and two dearbourn wagons. To lawful begotten daughter Martha A. Patterson of Livingston Co., KY and at wife’s death, negro girl with all increase; land described above; and any other of the above property. Signed Leroy Phillips. Wit: James W. Ryan, William C. Ryan. Dated 23 Oct. 1843. State of Missouri County of Boone; On 25th day of November A.D. 1843 the last will and testament of Leroy Phillips dec’d was produced before Warren Woodson, clerk of county court for probate and was proven by the oaths of James W. Ryan and William G. Ryan, who testified that deceased was of sound and disposing mind at the time. Recorded Boone Co., MO 30 Nov. 1843. Recorded Livingston Co., KY 3 Feb. 1845.
Misc. Notes
On the Marriage to Hunt Leroy gave his permission for his daughter to marry so indeed he is the father. No mention of the Mother as usual