Bill’s Family - Tree
Bill’s Family - Tree
HRH Hildebrante (de Vermandois) Princess France
abt 895 - aft 931
1 spouse 1 child
Sir Herbert de Vermandois II, Count of Vermandois
Sir Robert de Vermandois Count of Meaux and
HRH Sir Robert II, King of The Franks
bef 923 - 15 Jun 923
1 spouse 2 children
HRH Beatrix de Vermandois II, Queen of France
HRH Hildebrante (de Vermandois) Princess France
HRH Hugh "The Great" "Magnus" "The White" I
HRH Beatrix de Vermandois II, Queen of France
abt 880 -
1 spouse 2 children
HRH Sir Robert II, King of The Franks
HRH Hildebrante (de Vermandois) Princess France
HRH Hugh "The Great" "Magnus" "The White" I
Sir Robert "The Strong" Count of Orleans and
abt 820 - 25 Aug 866
1 spouse 2 children
HRH Adelaide Princess of The Holy Roma
Lady Countess of Vermandois
HRH Sir Robert II, King of The Franks
HRH Adelaide Princess of The Holy Roma
abt 824 -
1 spouse 2 children
Sir Robert "The Strong" Count of Orleans and
Lady Countess of Vermandois
HRH Sir Robert II, King of The Franks
Sir Herbert I, Count of Vermandois
abt 848 - abt 980
1 spouse 2 children
Lady Countess of Vermandois
HRH Beatrix de Vermandois II, Queen of France
Sir Herbert de Vermandois II, Count of Vermandois
Lady Countess of Vermandois
abt 862 -
1 spouse 2 children
Sir Herbert I, Count of Vermandois
HRH Beatrix de Vermandois II, Queen of France
Sir Herbert de Vermandois II, Count of Vermandois
abt 820 -
abt 825 -
HRH Louis "The Pious" I, Emperor of France
Aug 778 - 20 Jun 840
HRH Ermengarde Hesbaye Empress of the West
abt 778 - 3 Oct 818
Sir Pepin II, Count of Saint Quentin
abt 818 - aft 840
Lady Countess of Vermandois
abt 820 -
Sir Robert "The Strong" Count of Orleans and
abt 820 - 25 Aug 866
HRH Adelaide Princess of The Holy Roma
abt 824 -
HRH Charlemagne Bl, Emperor of The H.R.E.
HRH Hildegarde Bl, Princess of Savoy
Sir Ingerman Count of Hasbaye
HRH Bernard King of Italy
HRH Louis "The Pious" I, Emperor of France
HRH Ermengarde Hesbaye Empress of the West
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