Bill’s Family - Tree
Bill’s Family - Tree
Sirv Raymond Count of Burgundy
abt 1065 - 26 Mar 1107
1 spouse 1 child
HRH Urraca Queen of Castile and Leon
A Galacia Castile & Leon
Sir William I, Count of Burgundy
1035 - 11 Nov 1087
1 spouse 2 children
Lady Stephanie Berenger Countess of Burgundy
Lady Gisela Countess of Burgundy
Sirv Raymond Count of Burgundy
Lady Stephanie Berenger Countess of Burgundy
abt 1045 - aft 1092
1 spouse 2 children
Sir William I, Count of Burgundy
Lady Gisela Countess of Burgundy
Sirv Raymond Count of Burgundy
Sir Renaud Burgundy I, Count of Burgundy
abt 986 - 4 Sep 1057
HRH Adelais Countess of Burgundy
abt 990 -
Sir Raimond Berenger III, Count of Barcelona
abt 1055 - 1082
1 spouse 2 children
Lady Maud de Hauteville Countess of Barcelona
Lady Stephanie Berenger Countess of Burgundy
Sir Raymond Berenger IV, Count of Barcelona
Lady Maud de Hauteville Countess of Barcelona
abt 1055 -
1 spouse 2 children
Sir Raimond Berenger III, Count of Barcelona
Lady Stephanie Berenger Countess of Burgundy
Sir Raymond Berenger IV, Count of Barcelona
HRH Otto William Burgundy King of Lombard
abt 990 - 21 Sep 1026
Lady Ermentrude de Roucy I, Countess of Macon
949 - BEF. 5 Mar 1004/05
Sir Richard "Le Bon" II, Duke of Normandy
abt 962 - 28 Aug 1026
HRH Judith Princess Brittany
956 - 1017
Sir Raimond Berenger II, Count of Barcelona
abt 1025 - 1076
Sir Robert "Guiscard" de Hauteville I, Count of Normandy
abt 1025 -
HRH Sigelgaita (de Hauteville) Princess of Salerno
abt 1031 -
Sir Adalbert Ivrea Marquis
Lady Gerberge de Burgundy Countess of Burgundy
Sir Renaud Count of Rheims and Roucy
Lady Alberade de Lorraine
Sir Richard 'Sans Peur ' I, Duke of Normandy
Lady Gunnora de Crepon
Sir Conan Bretagne I, Duke of Bretagne
Lady Ermengarde de Anjou Duchess of Brittany
Tancred de Hauteville
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