NameJames P. Easthon 
Birthabt 1830
Misc. Notes
Records of Monroe County, Ohio by Catherine Fedorchak
FHL US/CAN 977.196 d2f v3 - page 45
Court of Common Pleas Monroe Co,OH, Clerks Office.
RECORD BOOK 13 - page 438 - Dec. 1858
Elijah Ullom and James Easthon, administrators of estate of Wm. Ullom deceased, as plaintiffs against:
George Huffman and Lydia, his wife
James P. Easthon and Charlotte, his wife
Job Ullom
Elisha M Ullom, Sylvanus Ullom; Margaret Ullom;
Minerva E. Dicks and Lydia A. Dicks -
heirs at law of William Ullom deceased; and Wm Church and Solomon Hubbs, all defendants: This record shows that at the time of Wm Ullom’s death he owned NW-1/4 of S.8, T.3, R.5, except for 15 acres. Wm. Ullom died leaving a widow and the following children:
Lydia, intermarried with George Huffman
Charlotte, intermarried with James Easthon
Job Ullom; Elihu Ullom, Sylvanus Ullom, Margaret Ullom and Wm. Ullom, his only children, and Minerva E. Dicks, and Lydia Dicks, his grandchildren; as his only heirs at large. That said Wm. Ullom Jr. has since died on the 25th of June, 1856. George Dicks, guardian of Minerva and Lydia Dicks, filed suit for partition against Wm. Ullom’s heirs, but including Wm. Ullom Jr. who was then living, on the 10th of June 1856.
Part of the land involved was sold to George Huffman, and part to Wm. Church and there is still money due from Geo. Huffman and Wm. Church. There is enought money in the estate to pay off the debts and suit is brought to apply money still due from Church to pay debts of the estate.