NameAndrew Kelley 
Birthabt 1764, VA
Deathaft 1852, , Ross Co., OH
Misc. Notes
State of Ohio, Ross County s.s.
Andrew Kelley (aged 88 years - of the counto of Ross and state of Ohio makes oath, and says. that he was well acquanted with Thomas Gasaway and knows that said Thomas Gasaway served one tour in the Revolutionary War in the state of Virginia as a soldier in said war-
Said Gasaway was Married to Jane Kelley (my sister) in the time of said Revolutionary war. state of Virginia Berkeley County. Said Gasaway Resided in the state of Virginia untill in the year AD 1811. he then moved to the state of Ohio in the year 1811 in the County of Ross and lived in said Ross County until he died in the year 1835 at the County of Ross State of Ohio aged about 81 years. Jane Gasaway his wife Died in the month of February AD 1842 at the County of Ross aged about 80 years.
The following are the names of the Children of the said Thomas Gasaway and Jane Gasaway: John Gasaway, Mary Gasaway, William Gasaway, Thomas Gasaway, Nicholas Gasaway, Martha Gasaway and Andrew Gasaway.
[signed] Andrew Kelly
Sworn to and subscribed before me at the County aforesaid this 8th Day of December 1852
William Day J.P.
Andrew Kelly is listed as a Justice of the Peace of Jefferson Township in the marriage record for James Kelly and Mary Gassaway, Ross County OH April 14, 1814.