NameNotes For Gassaway 
Birthbef 1550
Misc. Notes
Side-Lights on Maryland History - Hester Dorsey Richardson. This author served as President of the Public Records Commission of Maryland 1904-6; and was active in several other historical organizations. She was therefore well qualified to select what she called "gleanings from the manuscript records of the State and the original Calvert papers, many of which were unknown or not easily accessible to the earlier students of Maryland history."
"The articles now collected under the same title as when published serially in the Baltimore Sunday Sun from May 17, 1903, to December 25, 1904, were written principally from the data collected during many years devoted to the daily study of the unindexed manuscript records of theState, as a purely antiquarian fad, without any thought of preparing the information gleaned for publication.
"Finding in this reading of the records at first hand, ...the author's researches have taught her that Maryland, the Palatinate of the Lords Baltimore, in which they possessed royal rights and privileges, was not one of 'Their Majesties' Plantations' to which convicts were transported by royal mandate... Instead of convicts there were ladies of high degree, and courtiers from the English capital; instead of a penal colony, she found that the Lords Baltimore had a little kingdom 'beyond seas' to which the 'Conditions of Plantations,' offered by the Proprietary, attracted many land-hungry young Englishmen of good blood and adventurous spirit-the spirit of the pioneer..."
Volume 2 contains exhaustive records of various early families of Maryland, thoroughly indexed, and including many coats of arms. Cited in the Harvard Guide to American History, this history contains many lesser known vignettes, with lists of colonial militia and family profiles. Each volume contains an everyname index and a general index. Illustrations include portraits, places and objects of historical significance, and autographs. (1897) reprint, 958 pp., 2 vols., illus., indices, paper, $62.00 #ZR318
The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland. A Genealogical and Biographical Review from Wills, Deeds and Church Records - J. D. Warfield. The first 40 pages present a highly detailed history of the region, commencing with the people and events in colonial Virginia that led to the settlement of Maryland under Lord Baltimore. The book consists mainly of the biographical section, which is brimming with genealogical information, gathered mostly from probated wills. This information includes the names of the heirs and often describes tracts of land bequeathed by the deceased. The book also gives biographical information about several governors, historical accounts of the Legislature of 1651, and descriptions of many interesting documents. (1905) reprint, 597 pp., illus., index, paper, $41.00 #ZW068
GASSAWAY Marriages from the Maryland Archives that I've not attached to a person.
Charles, m. by 5 Aug 1777, Ruth, sister of Andrew Beall, Jr., of FR Co. (MOLR A:12).
Capt. John, near 50, m. 1 Oct 1799, Miss Elizabeth Price, age 17 or 18 (Diary of William Faris, MHM 28:232).
Nicholas; 10 Nov 1774; Cassandra Baker ("Marriage Register of Rev. David Love," discovered by Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record Office, London
(PRO: AO 13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
Nicholas; 7 Jan 1768; Mary Howard ("Marriage Register of Rev. David Love," discovered by Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record Office, London (PRO:
AO 13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
Thomas, m. by 9 Nov 1733, Sarah, widow and devisee of Christian Geist (AARL RD#2:1).
Thomas, Jr., m. by 8 March 1736, Sarah, sister and extx. of John Brewer of AA Co. (MDAD 15:268).