NameThomas Abner Gasaway 
Birth1865, Latham, Logan Co., IL
Death1939, IL
Burial1939, Lake Bank Cem., Latham, Logan Co., IL
Misc. Notes
Logan County, Illinois
Biographical Record of Logan County, published in 1901 Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., page 610
Thomas A. Gasaway a grain dealer and attorney-at-law at Latham, Illinois, was born in Lake Fork township, Logan county, August 29, 1865, and is a son of James and Martha (Colwell) Gasaway. His parents were both natives of Ross County, Ohio and were descendants of the Gasaways of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. They removed to Springfield, Illinois, in 1951, and from there came to Logan county, where the father entered land the following year and at the time of his death, which occurred in 1893, when he was about sixty-nine years of age, he owned about seven hundred acres of land on which he had extensively carried on farming and stock-raising. His widow survived him until 1894, when she too, passed away.
Our subject was next to the youngest in order of birth in a family of ten children of whom seven are still living. Like the majority of farmer boys, Mr. Gasaway learned to work upon his father's farm, attended the district school until he was sixteen, when he entered the Lincoln University, from which he graduated in 1886 with degree of Ph. B. Later he was graduated from Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tennessee, with degree of L. L. B., in the class of 1898.
In the fall and winter of 1886 and 1887 he taught school near Lincoln and after graduating from Cumberland University he taught school in Latham during 1891 and 1892, when he was admitted to the bar and began the practice of his profession at Decatur, Illinois. After a few months he returned to Latham and about 1898 became interested in the grain business, which he has carried on quit extensively in addition to the practice of his profession. Mr. Gasaway is a man of great ability; is a true student of human nature and bases his judgments upon his own information gleaned from his clients and witnesses themselves. The true lawyer is born not made. The natural and irresistable (sic) bent of mind was in the direction of the legal profession, but he readily accepted close application and constant study, as well as hard work as but a natural part of the preparation to aid him onward and upward.
On December 28, 1886, Mr. Gasaway was married to Miss Mary E. Bentley, of Logan county, a daughter of George R. and Sarah J. (Kretzinger) Bentley. Of the family born to this union five are still living, namely: Edwin Lee, born in Latham; Walter Dean; Paul Revere; Ansta Jeannette; and Mary E.
From boyhood Mr. Gasaway has been an ardent advocate of the principles of Democracy, and while not on office-seeker, he has been called upon to respond to the demands of his party upon his time and ability. His political honors have been many and to the gift of each he has added the luster of his learning, the value of his invincible integrity, sound wisdom and indefatigable devotion to duty. In addition to holding all of the minor offices of the city, he is now serving as mayor of Latham, and under his wise, judicial administration the city has developed in a remarkable degree and the tax payers have been given a clean government free from party corruption. They have the satisfaction of knowing that the office of the chief executive of their city is filled by a man whose entire record is without blemish and whose abilities are such as to enable him to discharge the onerous duties pertaining to such a position.
Socially Mr. Gasaway is a charter member of the Latham Lodge, No. 853, A. F. & A. M., in which order he now holds the position of Senior Warden, and he is also a member of Mount Pulaski Chapter, No. 121, R. A. M., Mount Pulaski Commandery, No. 39 K.T. In addition Mr. Gasaway is a member of the Knights of Pythias, he having been connected with this order since he was twenty-one, and has passed all the chairs and represented the lodge in the Grand Lodge. He is also a member of the Modern Woodsmen of America. Mr. Gasaway and his family reside in a beautiful home, which he has erected, and are surrounded by all the comforts of life. The success which has attended his efforts illustrates what can be accomplished by steadfast efforts and untiring industry, combined with great natural ability.
Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:
GASAWAY, F A, BENTLEY, M E, LOGAN, 01/18/1887 1/ 80
Lake Bank Cemetery Transcriptions:
C-17-4 Gasaway
Mary E. Thomas A.
1865-1960 1865-1939
C-17-5 George D-son of T.A. + M.E. Gasaway
Died March 20, 1892
Aged 4y 1m At rest
C-17-6 Paul R. Gasaway
Death1960, IL
Burial1960, Lake Bank Cem., Latham, Logan Co., IL