NameNicholas W Howe 
Birth12 Feb 1850, , Ross Co., OH
Deathaft 1896
Misc. Notes
I have no idea when Nicholas and Sarah died or where they are buried. Any help would be appreciated.
Nicholas came to Logan County in 1855, with his parents, at the age of 5 years old. His mother died when he was 12 years old and his father died when he was 15.
According to the 1870 Census:
The children of Abner and Jane Gasaway (Nicholas' sister) Howe are living with their Uncle Nicholas and Aunt Mary.
Nicholas, age 20, born OH works on farm. <-------
Nancy age 18 born OH
Thomas age 9, born IL [Age doesn't fit at all.]
Brother James is living with James Denson.
Nicholas was born February 12, 1850 in Ross County, Ohio. He married Sarah Gasaway on August 23, 1876 in Sangamon Co. IL. Their children were: Walter, Murty, and Alfrhetta.
The 1878 History of Logan County lists a N.W. Howe living in section 3 of Lake Fork Township. He was an independent and came here from Ohio.
The 1880 Census lists Nicholas W. Howe as 30 years old and a farmer in Lake Fork Township. His wife, Sarah, was 24 and a housekeeper. Their children at that time were: Walter C. age 2, and a daughter, Murty A., who was 5 months old. Listed with the family, also, is Thomas P Gasaway age 15 as a laborer on the farm. He may be the son of Nicholas P. and Eliza Jane (Shyer) Gasaway who were living "next door" or at the next stop on the census takers journey.
1880 Census of Lake Fork, Logan Co., IL m Ed 39 Sht 4 line 37
10, 10, Howe Nicolas W, W,M,30, Farming, IL, OH, OH
Sarah, W, F, 24, Wife, Keeping house, IL, OH, OH
Walter C, W,M,2, son, IL, IL, IL
Merty A, W,F,5/12, Jan, Daughter, IL, IL,IL
Thomas P Gasaway age 15 as a laborer on the farm.
The 1886 History of Logan County, Lake Fork Township, list Nicholas W. Howe as Clerk of the Township in 1881, 1883, ----next page missing----
HOWE, NICHOLAS, 1896-SEP, Case no. 1951, Box no. 15, charged with EMBEZZLEMENT
According to the paperwork I have on this file. He was charged but no trial was held.
The jurisdiction said they couldn't find him.
Walter C. (1877-1955) married Myrtle Alice Morris on January 6, 1915 in Decatur, IL.
Murty was born in January of 1880 which pretty well means she is the same person as Alfrhetta.
The name Murty is used, only once that I can find, in the 1880 U.S. Census.
Alfrhetta (January 3, 1880-January 25, 1914) married William Harrison Williams in 1897.
Birth1856, , , IL
Deathaft 1880
Marriage23 Aug 1876, Sangamon Co., IL