NameMissouri Cathrine Jennings 
Birth23 Jan 1859, Casey, Cumberland Co., IL
Death26 Nov 1943, Decatur, Macon Co., IL
BurialNov 1943, Lake Bank Cem., Latham, Logan Co., IL
ReligionA member of the Latham Christian church
Misc. Notes
In the 1920 Census, Missouri is living alone with her son Kenneth
OBIT: Mrs. M. C. Howe Died Friday
Mrs. Missouri C. Howe, esteemed resident of Latham died in the Decatur and Macon County hospital at 1:30 a.m. Friday, Nov. 26, 1943, the day following Thanksgiving, aged 84 years, 10 months and 3 days. Although in failing health for many months she was a hospital patient only five days.
Mrs. Howe was born in Cumberland county, Ill., Jan. 23, 1859. During the year of 1877 she was united in marriage to Thomas D. Howe, well known resident of the Latham community for many years. Her husband preceded her in death several years ago. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Jennings.
She was the mother of eleven children, three of whom preceded her in death, Edith and Emma Howe, and Mrs. Flossie Letterly. Those surviving are: Abner, Ira, Otis, Thomas, and Kenneth Howe, Mrs. Dora Howe, Mrs. Bessie Phillips and Mrs. Anna Letterly, all of Latham and Mount Pulaski vicinities. She also leaves forty-three grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Mollie Grissom of Casey; one brother, John Jennings of Chicago; two half-brothers, Sol Jennings, Oklahoma, and Silas Jennings, in Washington state. 7 grandsons are in the service.
She was a member of the Latham Christian church. For many years she was a very active and helpful church worker and was also active in the Pythian Sisters lodge in her home town, and was an honorary member of the Eastern Star Lodge.
The remains were removed from the hospital to the Pease funeral home in Latham.
Funeral services were held in the Latham Christian church at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 28, conducted by Rev. Carrol W. Flewelling of Decatur. A quartette composed of Mrs. Grace Stolz, Mrs. Esther Waddell, Mrs. Della Kiick and Mrs. Margaret Davis, sang three hymns, "Some Day We'll Understand", "There'll Be No Night There," and "Peace, Sweet Peace."
Burial was in Lake Bank cemetery, three miles west of Latham. Pallbearers were Robert Howe, Clifford Letterly, Leland Buckles, Tech. Sgt. Everett Howe, LeRoy Letterly, Earl Edwards.
In charge of flowers were the granddaughters of the deceased: Mrs. Alice Wilham, Mrs. Grace Phillips, Mrs. Sylvia Pyles, Mrs. Beatrice Howe, Mrs. Helen Whitten, Mrs. Fern Gooding, Mrs. Eloise Nelson, Mrs. Maxine Turner, Mrs. Helen Letterly, Mrs. Frances Edwards, Miss Mary Katherine Howe and Miss Imogene Letterly.
(Newspaper Article)
Birth17 Feb 1854, Chillicothe, Ross Co., OH
Death22 Sep 1917, Latham, Logan Co., IL
BurialSep 1917, Lake Bank Cem., Latham, Logan Co., IL
Marriage25 Oct 1877, , Logan Co., IL