NameMax W. Wondolleck 
BirthJun 1867, Neufahrwasser, West Prussia, Germany
OccupationThe 1900 Census indicates that Max was the Proprietor of a Restaurant
OccupationThe 1910 Census indicates that Max was an Engineer at Packing Company
Misc. Notes
1900 U.S. Census of Alameda Township, Alameda Co., CA - Enumeration District 320, Sheet 8, line 55. Enumerated on the 8th of June 1900. Visitation numbers: 1522, 165, 185
The family is living at 1522 Webster Street. Both can Read, Write and Speak English. Neither has been Naturalized.
Wondolleck, M, Head, M, Jun 1876, 23, Married , *, Germany, Germany, Ger many, 1893, 7yrs, Prop Restaurant, Renting his home.
Richter, Augusta, Mother, F, Oct 1837, 62, Widow, Germany, Germany, Ger many, 1893, 7yrs, Augusta had given birth to 8 children ,only 5 were living.
* Usually the number of years married appears if Married is indicated. In this case, the number “1” is entered and then scratched out.
1910 U.S. Census of Alameda Township, Alameda Co., CA - Enumeration District 13, Visitation 109?, (additional ref: line 71). Enumerated on the 20th of April 1910. Visitation numbers: are invisible.
The family is living in the vicinity of Eagle, possibly Charles and Buena Vista Streets.
For both Max and Martha the birth and language information looks like this:
The groupin represent Self, Father, Mother.
Max & Martha birth information: Ger/German, Ger/German, Ger/German,
Rudolph’s Birth information…...: California, Ger/German, Ger/German,
They can all read & write. They can speak English.
Wondolleck, Max W, Head, M, 43, Married 1, 15 yrs, Immigrated 1887, Naturalized, Engineer, Packing Co., Works for wages, Owns home, mortgaged.
Wondolleck, Martha A, wife, F, 33, Married 1, 15 yrs, Immigrated 1893, [Naturalization is blank] Martha gave birth on 1 child and 1 was living.
Wondolleck, Rudolph A, son, M, 14, Single,[Attended school is blurry but looks blank]
When comparing the 2 Census, we have to wonder where Martha was in 1900, perhaps caring for her parents or other family? Why the difference in Max’s immigration dates. Did he come over alone and go back for his mother and wife; his mother remembering only the second immigration that was the same as hers?
Max appears in the Oakland directory for the first time in 1904. This is only an indicator for arrival in the US. Other folks arrived in the Bay Area in the 1880’s stayed for a few years, moved to Nevada for a short period then returned and didn’t appear in the directories until the same year.
1904: Oakland City Directory - Alameda section:
Wondolleck Max seaman r 765 Taylor
Gdansk, Województwo, Gdanskie, Poland
Poland was ethnically cleansed of Germans in the 1930’s so the family would, potentially, no longer be in that country. In 1999 I found the following 5 Wondolleck families listed in German Phonebooks:
Peter Wondolleck
Friesenstr. 23
30161 Hannover
0511 342219
Bärbel Wondolleck
Glück-Auf-Str. 67
31157 Sarstedt
05066 2208
Ernst Wondolleck
Am Hofe 2
59073 Hamm , Westf
02381 32350
Ernst Wondolleck
Westhofskamp 3
59073 Hamm , Westf
02381 38270
Wondolleck Luise
Darmstädter Landstr. 106
Frankfurt Am Main
Wondolleck Elisabeth
Thorner Str. 19,
Hamm, Westf
Peter Wondolleck
Cheruskerweg 42
65929 Frankfurt am Main
069 301602
Birth1 Jul 1876, Petersdorf, Fehmarn, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
Death19 Jun 1947, Alameda, Alameda Co., CA52