NameKelly Diane Sailor 
Birth4 Oct 1964, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA
Death3 Feb 2015, Rohnert Park, Sonoma Co., CA, US
Misc. Notes
Kelly was born at 11:40 AM at Kaiser Permenante Hospital, 2425 Geary St. in the City and County of San Francisco. She weighed 7lbs 8oz . Kelly’s home address at the time of her birth was: 252 Tulare St. Brisbane, San Mateo Co., CA.
Kelly’s Birth announcement was engraved on pale pink parchment with a deckle edge that read:
Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Sailor
take pleasure in announcing
the birth of a daughter
Kelly Diane
Sunday, 11:50 a.m., October 4. 1964
252 Tulare Street
Brisbane, California
News Call Bulletin, , Oct , 1964
Sailor, Ronald Lawrence, 252 Tulare St., Brisbane, Oct 4, girl.
The Bee-Democrat, Brisbane, California, Oct 1964.
Sailor Girl
A daughter joined the Ronald Sailor family, 252 Tulare Street, in San Francisco, October 4.
Mrs Sailor is the former Penny Wooden (sic).
Note: Penny Wooden should be Penny Richner.
Birth24 Sep 1952, , Alameda Co., CA
Marriage11 Aug 1990, Concord, Contra Costa Co., CA