NameGregory Scott Sailor 
Birth12 Apr 1963, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA
Misc. Notes
Greg was born at 4:10 PM at Kaiser Permenante Hospital, 2425 Geary St. in the City and County of San Francisco. He weighed 7lbs 6oz . Greg’s home address at the time of his birth was: 626 Sierra Point Rd. Apt A., Brisbane, San Mateo Co., CA. Phone number JU 77167 [JU for Juno].
Gregory’s birth announcement consisted of a small formal engraved card attached with a satin ribbon to a larger one. His name and information was on the small card, parents names were engraved on the larger one. Something like this:
[ O ]
Gregory Scott Sailor
April 12, 1963 7lbs., 6 ozs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Sailor
News Call Bulletin, Fri, April 26, 1963:
Sailor, Ronald, 626 Sierra Point rd., April 12.
The Bee-Democrat, Brisbane, California, April 18, 1963:
Family Grows As New Son Added To List
With the birth of Gregory Scott Sailor April 12, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sailor have added another gerneration to the Sailor - Richner families of Brisbane.
The new mother is the former Penny Richner. She was a student conductor while attending Jefferson high school. Seven pound eight ounce Gregory Scott how has two sets of great grandparents who are all residents of this city.
On the paternal side his grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Ted Sailor, 281 Alvarado street. Great grandparent is Mrs. Mary Hollingum, 123 Lake street.
On mother’s side of the family, Gregory is the grandson of Mrs. Nadine Young. His grandfather Young (sic) is a retired chief petty officer of the USN and resides in Anchorage. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Wooden are the great grandparents.
Note: Grandfather Young should have been Grandfather Richner. Young was one of Nadine Hittenberger Richner’s later married names.
Gigi Tickey
Birth25 Mar 1966, , Alameda Co., CA47