Penny’s Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameJoyce Atwood 
Birthabt 1920
Misc. Notes
There is a reference to Solana Beach under Joyce’s name in the “family tree box” in the Hittenberger Book. I believe it refers to where she lived in the 1980’s.
University of California, San Diego Donors to the SIRA
We would like to express our deep appreciation for all those listed, as well as the anonymous donors, who chose to support the research, education, and patient care at the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging.
Joyce A. Hittenberger
Birth21 Feb 1915, , , CA43
Death19 Feb 1978, Emeryville, Alameda Co., CA44,43
Burial24 Feb 1978, Oakland, Alameda Co., CA
Marriage10 Aug 1985, , San Diego Co., CA45