NameEllis Ullom
Birth3 May 1833, Darke County, OH11
Death17 May 1909, Greenville, Darke Co., OH11
Misc. Notes
Served in the Civil War:
Ellis Ullom enlisted in the state of Ohio on 09 August 1862 with the rank of Private, giving his age as 29 . He served in the Union Army : H Co. 110th Infantry Regiment OH His estimated birth year would be: 1833
Was severely wounded in service and was invalid the rest of his life
Have copy of obituary and will
Burial at Greenmound Cem. New Madison, Ohio
Birth18 Mar 1838, Palestine, Darke Co., Ohio11
Death15 Aug 1908, Greenville, Darke County, Ohio11
Marriage15 Mar 1855, Darke County, Ohio