Bill’s Family - Person Sheet
NameJoseph Hotchkin
337, H322, 4572, M
Birth25 Jul 1675, Guilford, New Haven County, CT, USA
Death28 May 1756, Guilford, New Haven County, CT, USA Age: 80
Misc. Notes
Joseph Hodgkin was also known as Hotchkin. He was born at Guilford, New Haven County, CT, USA, on 25 July 1675. He was the son of John Hodgkin and Mary Bishop. He married Elizabeth Hill at Guilford, New Haven County, CT, on 1 March 1704. They were married by Rev Thomas Ruggles..3 Joseph Hodgkin married Hannah Lord circa 1727 at Guilford, New Haven County, CT. The marriage of Hannah and Joseph has not been found in the Guilford Vital Records and is only known from his Will. Internet postings give the name of Lord and birth and death dates and locations.. Joseph Hodgkin died on 28 May 1756 at Guilford, New Haven County, CT, at age 80.
The Guilford Town Hall has a fragile old book that contains cattle brands from the late 1600's. In this book is recorded Joseph Hodgkin's brand with a date of 17 October 1705 and the following brand description, "a hollow crop on the near ear and a split in the top of the off ear." Joseph is listed on a "List of Freemen of the Corporation of Connecticut Colony dwelling in the Town of Guilford, and enrolled in the open Freemen's Meeting on the last Tuesday in April in the 3rd year of his Majesty Reign, 1730." Two other Hodgkin's are also listed but the Compilers copy of the list is folded on their names. On 17 September 1750 a list of Freemen, presently living in Guilford, was publish and Joseph and Thomas Hodgkin Esq. were the only two members of the family listed. On 10 March 1728/9, Joseph Hodgkin deeded to his brother Thomas a parcel of land containing 9 1/2 acres for the sum of fifty pounds current money.
Joseph's Will, dated 12 March 1749/5, and its numerous codicils leaves property to his "beloved wife Hannah." This information gives us a marriage after the death of Elizabeth. It also leaves property to brothers John and Abraham and sons Janna and Joseph. A later codicil, that seems to be dated in 1755 says that Joseph shall have no part of his estate and his share shall go to his "loving son Janna." This codicil would seem to challenge our death date for Joseph Jr; as he wouldn't be removed from the Will in that manner if he was already dead.
Marriage1 Mar 1704, Guilford, New Haven County, CT, USA
ChildrenNoah , 4538, M (1716-1783)
Janna , 4579, F (1709-1757)
John , 4581, M (1714-1784)