NameJohn Richard Burnett
50,51,52,53,54, 6G Grandfather, B653, 3733, M
Birthbef 1730, Virginia
Military SvsAmerican Revolution? (VA)
FlagsLived in US, Look in VA
Misc. Notes
This name also appears under the form of Barnard, Barnett, Bernett, Bonnett, Burnet, Burnit, Burnitt.
Volume 1 page 635
Barnard, Richard, Boston.Private, Capt. Lemuel Trescott's co., Col. Jonathan Brewer's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 30, 1775; service, 2 mos. 6 days; also, company return dated Prospect Hill, Oct. 6, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Prospect Hill, Oct. 25, 1775; also, Capt. Trescott's co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's regt.; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Nov. 27, 1776; enlisted Jan. 1, 1776; reported re-engaged Nov. 19, 1776, in Capt. Cushing's co., Col. Paterson's regt., but to serve in Col. Whitcomb's regt. until Dec. 31, 1776; mustered by Maj. John Fraizer and ordered by Brig. Gen. Trumbull to join Col. Paterson's regt.; also, list of men mustered in Suffolk Co. by Nathaniel Barber, dated Boston, Jan. 19, 1777; Capt. Nathaniel Cushing's co., Col. John Patterson's regt.; enlistment, 3 years; also, Corporal, Capt. Cushing's co., Col. Joseph Vose's (14th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, muster rolls for Jan.-April, 1779, dated Providence; also, Sergeant, Capt. Cushing's (Light Infantry) co., Col. Vose's (1st) regt.; age, 22 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 6 in.; muster rolls for Jan.-Nov., 1781, dated Garrison at West Point; enlisted Nov. 18, 1776, by Capt. Cushing at Ticonderoga; enlistment, during war; also, muster roll for Jan., 1782, dated Hutts; also, muster roll for Feb., 1782. View full context
Volume 1 page 635
Barnard, Richard, Pittsfield.1st Mass. regt.; list of men who served 3 years [date not given]. View full context
Volume 1 page 635
Barnard, Richard.Return of men enlisted into Continental Army from 2d Plymouth Co. regt. [year not given]; enlisted for town of Marshfield (also given Hanover); joined Capt. Cushing's co., Col. Vose's regt.; enlistment, during war; reported a transient. View full context
Volume 1 page 636
Barnard, Richard, Worcester.Descriptive list of enlisted men dated West Point, Feb. 20, 1780; 2d co., 10th regt.; age, 19 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 2 in.; complexion, black; hair, black; residence, Worcester; enlistment, during war; also, list of deserters, dated West Point, June 23, 1780; Col. Thomas Marshall's (10th) regt.; age, 19 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 2 in.; complexion, black; hair, black; residence, Worcester; list returned by Maj. Nathaniel Winslow; also, Private, Col. Benjamin Tupper's (10th) regt.; enlisted March 20, 1781; roll made up to Jan. 1, 1782; [p.636] service, 8 mos. 3 days; reported deserted Nov. 22, 1781 (also given July 6, 1780); also, pay roll for 7 mos. 9 days service from May 23, 1782; reported returned from desertion in 1782. View full context
ChildrenSusannah , 1419, F (<1748-~1778)